敗 犬 |
I found your fingerprints on my shattered heart. I'm a lousy spider, entangled in a love web. Love is an addiction I can't quit. Love isn't a science, you can't calculate the feelings. Can a once in a lifetime love find a second chance? Sometimes when you love someone you gotta forget your own happiness. And remember theirs. When love and determination work together, expect a masterpiece. |
Thursday, March 31, 2011
3/31/2011 11:07:00 pm
![]() 3 down, 1 more to go!
3/31/2011 09:36:00 am
done with AS, POLSCI and BGS presentations ;) so damn blooooody happy. and later I will go and own the damn PSY presentation :) going to crack a lame joke D:the BGS joke was good though! I was presenting on the cost of B.O so I put some random bird's nest picture and said "this is the 35$ bird's nest you can find in Eu Yan Sang" then my next picture was the real B.O bird's nest and I said "but THIS is a 3.5billion yuan bird's nest which you can only find in China, Beijing". my favorite part of my part :) week 13 is really hell but glad to be able to spend some time with my awesomes on Tuesday for Char Siew Rice and ROCHOR BEANCURD (: yeah (: and ytd went lunch with WenYuan and we went to Bugis to get cake for UNCLE CHIANNNN :) life isn't that bad. until night :( had BGS and PSY meeting. ran from SOA to SOE then back to SOA agn D: it will be fineeee by today/tml :) will hurry do up my Psy individual proj and then start revision. 5 finals is like wtf :( :( rather tired now. stayed up till 2 plus to read HJ's AW :( but I must be alert for Psy. arghhh I really need sleep. but is still gym D: it's ok. tml Team KAOPEH is gg to own XLB ^^ Monday, March 28, 2011
3/28/2011 03:58:00 pm
http://tw.sugoitw.com/kangxi-2011-03-17/5/so sweet (: Sunday, March 27, 2011
be strong be strong now
3/27/2011 11:16:00 pm
had an awesome Sunday, ok semi awesome because I was up @ 810am :(had AS meeting from 930 till 1130 b4 meeting Weeps (: went to Esplanade to buy Eskimo ( we walked from SOE like wtf) because we had coupons from Waikiki that offers $1 discount for Eskimo at Esplanade but it was a good walk! had so much fun talking and talking :) I love my Snail friend *heart* then had Psy meeting to finish up our presentation slides! NICE :) and Weepzx's life is completed because she have seen ALWAYS MONK. haha wtf I told Weepzx my life was completed 12 weeks ago when I was grouped tgt w ALWAYS MONK, lol but oh wells, after the meeting went Waterloo to buy dinner and we ate @ PickNBite benches (: then she went for her meeting and I went to chill in the library. WITH 4 PRESENTATIONS THIS COMING WEEK IDK WHY I CAN CHILL but oh wells :\ can't wait for presentations to end on THURSDAY and then XLB w SMUDB on FRIDAY (: then got to chiong my Psy individual report. LIKE WHAT SHIT :( due on 4th April :( then got to mug mug mug for FIVE FINALS. and then I SEE SUMMER COMING MY WAY. and I am done w my 1st year in SMU. only 3 more to go. time really flies man! CAN'T WAIT TO GRADUATEEE (: and yup, summer will be packed w trainings! and other camps! got into Starring Faci and Sports Camp Org Comp! just waiting for Soci Camp to tell me they really want me! awww and also FTB ! summer is going to be awesome (: lots of camp and fun and new friends coming my way! and yup, just some phrase of the day D: Heartbreaks are part and parcel of life, but then again, so is moving on (Zheng, 2011). wanted to go to bed with a happy heart but guess not :\ suddenly thought of Stephanie Sun's emo song and it made me emo :( 爱总是让人哭 让人觉得不满足 天空很大却看不清楚 好孤独 Friday, March 25, 2011
crazy Friday. mad rush :(
3/25/2011 03:49:00 pm
waiting for Nathaniel to finish reading my OP. hope it is fineeeee so I can go submit @ Bridget's drop box and I WILL BE DONE WITH ALL THE INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENTS FOR POL SCI. but guess what, there are 4 presentations next week :( :(but, but, but my life will be awesome after next Thursday 9pm! it will be the last day of school for me :D but after that there is 1 week of study break then EXAMS :( and then LOTS AND LOT OF TRAINING + CAMP + FUN :) summer is going to be fun! can't wait to celebrate birthday with Snaily :) yay :) my favorite song at the moment :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XtRIIJ1D9Vw LESS THAN 1 MONTH TO FREEDOM. I CAN SMELL IT :) :) my temporary freedom is at 5pm. Thursday, March 24, 2011
think twice before befriending me
3/24/2011 08:34:00 am
caution: I eat a lot D:morning - 4 x bread @ 8pm lunch - Republic of Steak (grilled fish with salad and garlic spaghetti) @ 12pm tea break - 1 x forbidden food with 2 x forbidden food @ 4pm dinner - mixed veggie rice @ 6pm dinner part 2 - curry chicken and egg @ 10pm if someone is going to eat to their death, it'll be me :( eat eat eat, no wonder cannot do my pull ups :( but I have a target to meet everyday (: because if you fail to plan, you plan to fail. and most imptly, I don't want to cui for EV again :( only left with 5 weeks to redeem myself :\ lunched with Erxenacorn @ ROS ytd and we talked for damn long. although I don't always agree but I must admit I have learnt quite a bit :) and as weird as it may sound, I am kinda looking forward to training ltr because there is a new training program :D BGS now is damn bloody boring :( but there is lunch to look forward to ^^ wanton mee @ Sunshine Plaza :D then Psy class (read: eating class) lol. then training and CHIONG-ING OPINION PIECEEEEEE. and AS exercise 10. got to keep my legendary 4% every week! totally need the homework to pull up my grades! okayzxzx. time to read psy (in BGS class) lol. Tuesday, March 22, 2011
what is Taylor rule?
3/22/2011 11:21:00 pm
In economics, a Taylor rule is the monetary policy rule that stipulates how much the Central Bank would or should change the nominal interest rate in response to divergences of actual inflation rates from target inflation rates and of actual GDP from potential GDP.but I heard something different in Econs101 today Zt: you know what's Taylor rule? Xt: don't know leh, she haven teach Zt: Taylor rule is, you belong with me Xt: HAHAHAHAH WTF and something funny happened in Econs101 too. THE TEACHER POINTED TO ME AND CALLED ME "ZHEN TENG" ZHEN TENG IS WHAT SHE USUALLY CALLS ZHEN TANG. I WAS LIKE WTF. jitao mistake me for a boy is LAST WARNING :(( today is pretty much OK, had Econs101 at 830. OMG 2ND LAST LESSON :) then b4 going for AS class, GP, QH, ZT and I had MEESIAM (: free meesiam :) from those caterers. WE HAD PERMISSION TO EAT OK! but sth funny happened. seems like Tuesday is a fun day, lol. Xt: siao la, eat so much meesiam now, later still eat lunch. confirm GFAD Zt: aiyah just eat la Qh: ya la, just eat la Gp: why cannot eat Xt: I ate some of the cheesecake from ytd in the morning! Zt: how much of the cheesecake? Xt: abt 1/4? Zt: then ok what just eat la Qh: just eat Xt: I also ate 4 slices of bread Zt: WTF! YOU STOP EATING THE MEESIAM anw went for AS class, had the quiz and it was like a breeze. because ZT alrdy told me the answer to the quiz. 2.5% and all I had to do is write the word "suffering" LOL la. went for lunch w GP then went to the library b4 heading for BGS meeting. 4 hours of BGS left me BRAIN DEAD. and EYE DEAD. I need to make new specs. need to make a really cheapo one D: and b4 my inbox EXPLODES, here are more sms updates :) 21 Mar 11 - 09:57 - Congrats xueting!! (: so happy for u!! (: 21 Mar 11 - 09:26 - Congratzto! XD hahaha. And you'll finally be back this weekend =D hehe 21 Mar 11 - 04:28 - Hi girls! Good job for the past 2 days. I'm so proud of all of you! U girls have shown me the desire to fight & win. You have shown me that nothing is impossible. No matter which boat u r in, it it tertiary or opens, I'm really impressed. The boys have a lot to learn from u too. Maintain this high morale within the team & I'm definitely looking forward to seeing all of u perform for SBDF! Keep up the good work! 21 Mar 11 - 00:27 - My dear girls. Thank you for being such brave warriors over the weekend. :) I hope you have learnt much over this weekend. And remember from here, we can only get stronger. :) 20 Mar 11 - 14:52 - From all of us: good luck!! B-) 20 Mar 11 - 10:13 - Hey bb! Hope I'm not too late, but hope you have an amazinggggg day today! Bring home a medal kkkkkkk. Don't stress xoxo 20 Mar 11 - 22:41 - Hi girls great job today. Let's put today's glories aside. And focus on what we can do tmr. Things we can do. Things yet to achieve. Tmr holds new possibilities and it is up to us to determine what to make out of it. With you and fighting with you always! Lai! :) rest well today and we have a battle to conquer.
GOODNIGHT WORLD :) SOCI CAMP FACI INTERVIEW TML! all the best to Xueting Zheng (: little things in life :)
3/22/2011 12:49:00 pm
Today I was joking around with my boyfriendI took his lanyard from him playfully, when I gave it back I said, "I believe this belongs to you." He took it back, pulled me closer to him and whipered, "I believe this is mine too." His sweet LGMH Monday, March 21, 2011
we're empty
3/21/2011 12:38:00 pm
102 wasn't enough.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
long, hard, pull ah, lai ah!
3/19/2011 09:40:00 pm
19 Mar 11 – 10:25 – 训练的时候努力划,比赛的时候你给我拼命划! 19 Mar 11 – 21:04 – Really hope you all win tmr, damn happy see the girls win today. Dun think too much, believe in yourself and everyone who is rowing and you’ll own. Jiayou medalbird =) 19 Mar 11 – 19:35 – Hello Xueting! (: we have fought hard for all of you on shore and let’s fight hard for e rest tmr okk! (: I know you have what it takes to paddle opens and win a medal. (: trust yourself. And I trust you can do it. Will support you all e way so fight hard tgt. 19 Mar 11 – 12:06 – Ehh!! Jiayou for your competition!!! Win a medal hor!!!! 19 Mar 11 – 11:48 – All e best 4 ur race giant! Hope can huat ah!! :-D 19 Mar 11 - 08:30 – Hello little dragons!! Today is the day to justify the training commitments for the past few months... Don't give chance to every single set... They say anything can happen in a soccer game, cuz the ball is round... I would say everything is possible if you are determine in a dragon boat race... You want it you grab it and never give chance... Though I won't be there, but you know my soul is standing in front of the boat mind torturing you harder when you are about to give up... For give up is never in my mind... All the best dragons... SMU!!! 18 Mar 11 – 22:18 – My yr 1s! all d best 4 d race. U earned ur spot, u deserve to b on d starting line. U deserve to be in d finals cuz all of u trained hard. I noe all of u wan it. I rlly felt tt “hunger” tt d seniors were talking abt a few mths ago. Didn’t understand wad it was, but tdy, I saw it in all of u. dey say d hungriest dog ‘ll win & I say u guys ve it in u. u want it bcuz out of all d teams out there, we sacrificed d most. U guys ‘ll do well la. Sry I cant b on d boat wif u. I seek ur understanding & forgiveness. Go conquer d battlefield ymr. D boat ur horse, vest ur armour and paddle ur sword. Kill em! Rape em all! Lai ah SMUDB! 12 Mar 11 – 23:33 – Hi girls please rest well and tmr! I want each and everyone of you to have confidence in your friends and yourself when we race tmr. Let's use these sets to pressure them for the race ahead. And make then fearful of what we can do. Today showed us many things so find the belief and desire to get the feeling of that ideal set going :) Friday, March 18, 2011
don't take too long to say I love you to the ones you love
3/18/2011 11:22:00 pm
http://thoughtcatalog.com/2011/i-have-a-few-last-words/damn meaningful and emo ): ): ): try not to cryzxzx. AND YES I AM READY TO WIN SOME MEDALS :D no pseudo memories this time.
3/18/2011 12:14:00 am
too many memories. not good, not good at all.
Thursday, March 17, 2011
long hard pull
3/17/2011 10:20:00 am
There is no free seat on a boat like there is no free lunch in the world.You want something, you fight for it with all your life. You want a seat, you fight for it will all the muscles and the will in you. anyways, just to prep everyone for the race.. here are some quotes I have been collecting (: If you are going to be a champion, you must be willing to pay a greater price. -- Bud Wilkinson If you give up early, you'll win late. -- Charles Haley The harder you work, the harder it is to surrender. -- Vince Lombardi The sterner the discipline, the greater the devotion. -- Pete Carill Adversity causes some men to break, and others to break records. -- Source Unknown Every game is an opportunity to measure yourself against your own potential. -- Bud Wilkinson In order to excel, you must be completely dedicated to your chosen sport. You must also be prepared to work hard and be willing to accept destructive criticism. Without 100% dedication, you won't be able to do this. -- Wilson Mizner It's the constant and determined effort that breaks down all resistance and sweeps away all obstacles. -- Claude M. Bristol Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance itself is merely the demonstration of their championship character. -- T. Alan Armstrong Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even. -- Muhammad Ali You don't have to be a fantastic hero to compete. You can be just an ordinary chap, sufficiently motivated to reach challenging goals. -- Edmund Hillary Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you do. Attitude determines how well you do it. -- Lou Holtz I love to win and hate to lose. That's why I give 110%. -- Unknown Being second is being the first loser. -- Unknown A river cuts the rock, not because of its power, but because it keeps going on... Remember never lose your hope... Defend and face the challenges to increase the courage, keep moving toward the target, to tell the world that there is nothing impossible for you -- Unknown
READY, GO NOWWWW (: Wednesday, March 16, 2011
3/16/2011 04:33:00 pm
need to do my Psy001 readings but shall post this link :)found this song on Mon and shared w many many on FB. shall post this here too (: WANG LEE HOM IS LOVE. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v Monday, March 14, 2011
3/14/2011 12:51:00 pm
ytd was the first time I WATCHED the news about Japan. previously was just reading and the "impact" just wasn't there. seeing the huge rush of water was really crazy. and it is sad. the disaster don't just take away your wealth and your property, it takes away your love ones. you can build back a house, you can buy a new car, you can earn back your money. but you can never bring back the victims. :( time to love more and hate less, before it is too late. hate is a form of man-made disaster. don't let it happen to you. Ok enough abt Japan D: more abt today, right here in Singapore, in SMU library :\
back from trip to Popular and KOI (someone say YAY). holy crap, I am damn full but I crave for Rochor Daohuay. Damn. I have been wanting to eat Rochor Daohuay for a DAMN LONG TIME. argh. :( :( ok anw today's gym training was awesome. PP, OAR and 50PU didn't kill me. and I didn't cry, didn't throw temper. I AM GOOD JOB :) shall keep up the good work :):) 5 more days! LAI! best thing this week. I am skipping Wed's class to go for training. DON'T NEED TO DO READINGS. YAY :) week 11. just 5 more weeks and I will be done with term2. HAHA 2 terms down, 6 more to go :D :D SUMMER IS GOING TO BE AWESOME. signed up for damn alot of things to keep myself damn busy :) not going to waste my time slacking or emo-ing. DB + CAMPS + BAKING + PARTIES = SUMMER :) Sunday, March 13, 2011
just when I needed it :)
3/13/2011 11:58:00 pm
nothing can beat reading a motivational sms b4 heading to bed :)timely sms I must say :) hey xt. thot id drop u a note.. last week of prep for mr500 k. no matter what boat or race ure gona be in, soak in the atmosphere and paddle till u can paddle no more. ur passion for db has always been there, as can b seen from ur entries tt revolve arnd it. so dont belittle that. it'll do u wonders n get u further than u think u can go! THANKS TO WHOEVER WHO SENT ME THIS :) :) bzwtll
3/13/2011 08:26:00 pm
my "Id" was too strong for my "Superego", so now I live to face the consequence of my actions.anw just something that Sherrie posted some time back.. there is only so much a heart can take.. after that it crumbles. then you let yourself crumble and you pick yourself up again. and you get stronger. awesome line :) 6 more days to MR500.. because it's not about which boat you're in, but about executing the PERFECT set (Wee, 2011). LAI LAI LAI. with every stroke, we get better :) :) nothing will go wrong on that day and nobody will spoil my mood :) :) Xueting Robot Zheng is back on her, I mean its, feet :) Saturday, March 12, 2011
the 3 things
3/12/2011 11:15:00 pm
According to Yap (2011), there are 3 things that cannot be hidden: sneezing, poverty and love. meaningful much (:
and it's time for my sms updates again :) 12 Mar 11 - 23:05 - I hope you're feeling better :) 12 Mar 11 - 14:53 - ALL THE BEST FOR TMR'S PACING! 12 Mar 11 - 14:22 - Yea, but always think it as a team effort. Without the 2nd boat ppl pushing the 1st boat ppl, how could the first boat ppl have improved? We are all in this tgt. U will definitely get your chance to row one day. Just got to be patient. Never stop learning & take the extra step forward. It will bring you far. Afterall, the glory goes to the team, not the individuals. I think I will really die without my awesome friends. they are simply too awesomezxzx. I will never get through each day without all my wonderful buddies in SMUDB, and Bestie too. She had to rewatch some parts of My Queen to help me find my emo episode. Thanks Bestie (: I love you. Will miss you when you fly off :( :( physically, I want to be the Xueting Zheng now, because I am definitely stronger now. but emotionally and mentally, I want to be the Xueting Zheng back on 28 Aug 2010, I need to find back my passion for DB. actually the passion has always been, it is the abilities that is not :( someone asked me.. Would you rather do what you like or what you're good at? I answered.. I would find what I like to do and be damn bloody good at it. and then someone else asked.. What if you can't be damn bloody good at what you like? :( :( :( :( :( :( the harsh reality of life. Eventually, it all boils down to your capabilities, or the lack thereof (Zheng, 2011). what Bestie say is true. I need to stop focusing on things that make me unhappy :( every time I talk to her, it's about the same old 2 things. IT HAS GOT TO STOP. suddenly thought of Jay Chou's song.. 追不到的梦想 换个梦不就得了 it is true.. if you want A but you can't get A, why can't you settle for B? 让自己快乐快乐这才叫做意义 .. bqnw
3/12/2011 04:41:00 pm
bqnw.ep13.p3p4 :(
7 more days, GO NOWWWWWW.
3/12/2011 12:26:00 am
11 Mar 11 - 23:06 - Don't emo nemo! Today's supposed to be a happy day haha. No hurry laa xt someone will come your way :)11 Mar 11 - 13:46 - Jiayou interviewbird! 11 Mar 11 - 07:56 - Xueting zheng! Wanted to text you last night but I was having problems with my phone :( im using spare phone now! But anyway thank you so much for the surprise last night it was really really nice! Sorry for thinking that you forgot my birthday you guys really had me fooled! But yeah sorry for being so accusing. Haha thank you for the effort and all, I love you!
11 Mar 11 - Hey people thanks for making Rainbow Midnight a near success :) it's really the effort and most importantly you all made wenyi smile once again.. wees thanks so much for letting us bake at your place and for the wonderful dinner.. xt for putting up such a wonderful act and surprise.. hansel thanks for driving us around really appreciate it :) have a good night people.. I still have work to do tml haha 9 Mar 11 - Hey xueting, thanks a lot for the cake! It really tastes damn good. Shared with Adriel soonsoon gp and meixian and there's nothing but praise. Thank u v much for making a difference in my birthday :) 7 Mar 11 - 19:32 - :) love you ttm too manzz.. Haha you're really one of the few reasons why I' hanging on in ** 5 Mar 11 - 00:18 - Hey giant! home yet? just wana say thanks 4 e card! though supa long then rcve it, haha! xp, I jus read, its v funny yet heartwarming! =D boy, meet up more often okie!! ^_^ 27 Feb 11 - 13:18 - hahaha hey grats!! u deserve it ((: 26 Feb 11 - 18:51 - wahh im so happy for chew! must have taken a lot of strong will (: glad that u updated me, cld see u were so full of glee. keep it up keep improving. never ever stop climbing (: ANW I AM RLLY EXCITED FOR MR500! :) Thursday, March 10, 2011
3/10/2011 12:39:00 am
4 months 6 days! CAN'T WAITTTTTT :) glad I kept to my vow for 8 MONTHS :)) just need to PERSEVERE!WEEPS JUST TOLD ME THE BEST NEWS TODAY. THERE IS GOING TO BE A NEW ... ... ... BUTTER FACTORY. I was like SHEN MEEEEEEEE :DDDDDD best news of MY LIFE. haha. and I just need to blog about R.M :)) can't wait for it, so far so good. need to slpzx now, BGS and PSY tml :(( but can miss 1 hr of BGS :)) thanks to dental. holy crap I rather extract a tooth than to listen to R.K rattle on abt B, G and S. week 10, so far so BAD :( can't wait for this term to end! I wanna start summer nao nao nao! I wanna bake bake bake! :)) last but not least, so glad my marble cake was semi successful, YAY. Tuesday, March 08, 2011
emo in the morning.
3/08/2011 08:33:00 am
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxs3P44yShUa video zt showed me! :( Monday, March 07, 2011
we move on
3/07/2011 05:58:00 pm
finally done w Psy readings (holy smokes) and HTHT w WenYi :) just needs to blogs a lots because I am boreds. received a phone call last night and I was like OMGWTF. kinda made me change my thinking a little, and realise that stms my problems ain't that big after all. was talking to WenYi about it like just 1 minute ago, that if you like a person and that person doesn't like you back, it is not as bad as someone you love leaving you, forever. death is really the worst tragedy :( talked to Bestie last night otw home and I just cried like some mofo :( but yeap thanks Bestie! I really don't know what to do without you :) and yes I will be strong :) :) strong like Popeye haha MR500 in 12days. JUST 12 DAYS TO PREPARE MYSELF FOR MY 2ND RACE IN DB! a few weeks back, I was just concerned about my placing on the boat. but now, if you really me, I would think "may the best be on the boat". after all, it is never about personal glory. no doubt, if I am not chosen, I will be upset, but most importantly is SMUDB win back medals. so yup, still have some sort of mixed feelings :\ but something brightened up my day today! and that is KOI :) the best thing is not about drinking KOI but buying KOI with Cheryl (Mother Aw) and Vera :) :) it is always nice to have the girls around :) have been trying really hard to focus on training and I am quite happy with gym trng today. managed to vent all my frustrations out on the killer program. I am good job :) :) and tomorrow, I will be stronger than today :) it doesn't matter what you achieve today, but rather what you achieve tml as compared to today :)
shall end with my favorite quote: I am alone, but I am not lonely :)) why my teammates and friends so awesome?
3/07/2011 02:59:00 pm
05 Mar 11 - 13:13 - Xueting!! Cheer up :)) we're all in this team together and you'll grow stronger after every training.. Jia you and hang in there with us! Start and finish it together ba..lai05 Mar 11 - 13:56 - Haha weepbird no wonder you best frens with weeps. Cheer up k! When life gives you shit, you give them double the shit =) 1 Mar 11 - 10:23 - Hi Xueting!(: jiayou for ur test today!(: u will do well!(:
24 Feb 11 - 07:25 - Jia you later k? You can do it!!! THANKS FOR ALL THE AWESOME PEOPLE IN MY LIFE. I LOVE CHEW ALL (: and I rlly shouldn't be blogging now. NOT DONE W PSY READINGS YET :(( Sunday, March 06, 2011
3/06/2011 02:37:00 pm
training was DBT, but worth it :) accomplished what I wanted today. to stay as focused as possible :) and I did it. No zoning out, no emo, no nothing. really excited for MR500.week 11 is the week of MR500 and POLSCI PPT :\ not forgetting all the other bullcrap. but yeap, I will be fine :D just 6 more weeks then I can CHILL :) must work hard for these 6 weeks. No more regrets in life (: anw just read the email TQ's sent (: ONE TEAM, ONE HEART, ONE STROKE AT A TIME and also ONE VIDEO TO MOTIVATE EVERYONE :D http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WO4tIrjBDkk LAI, MR 500, WE ARE GG TO BRING HOME ALL THE METAL (MEDALS). ytd I told someone this: everyday you wake up, you just tell yourself, no, today you're not going to let some unimportant person take up all the space in your mind. you're going to be fine today, not thinking about that person. it doesn't matter if at some point during the day, this person creeps into your mind. you have to make a commitment to forget. with every heartbreak you go through, you only become stronger. I think it's pretty cool how I can come up with a semi-awesome impromptu speech :) Saturday, March 05, 2011
damn guilty
3/05/2011 03:49:00 pm
feel damn guilty now. I thk some pple blame bahkwa for "scolding" me but actually it wasn't his fault at all :( let's just say mixed trng makes one crazyy. after mixed we had debrief then bahkwa was just telling me that I should focus on the boat and not be distracted by whatever that distracted me. I cried nt because I feel like I was wronged but because I felt guilty :( it is like, everyone there on the boat was pushing with 100% while I was like so unfocused :( it is not fair to those who have pushed so hard :( I cried because I felt that I should have performed better. what bahkwa said was right. even though stms he misunderstands people, I must say that he is right this time :( I was distracted :( and because I cried so many people thought it was bahkwa's fault for being so blunt. even he thought he made me cry :( :( but through it all, I must say SMUDB is really awesome because everyone is super caring.tml I will focus on focusing. not going to be distracted anymore :) 14 more days to MR500, LAI. we get better with every stroke It is not about what you should do, but what you do.
3/05/2011 12:50:00 am
if you feel like dying during training or after training, then congratulations! you're on your way to becoming a stronger person.
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