敗 犬 |
I found your fingerprints on my shattered heart. I'm a lousy spider, entangled in a love web. Love is an addiction I can't quit. Love isn't a science, you can't calculate the feelings. Can a once in a lifetime love find a second chance? Sometimes when you love someone you gotta forget your own happiness. And remember theirs. When love and determination work together, expect a masterpiece. |
Sunday, February 27, 2011
new emo line of the day
2/27/2011 10:35:00 pm
note the word DAY.anw here we go..
"my clumsy heart fell, it fell in love with you" :( :( :( I'm such an emonemo kid. Xueting is a emonemo miney mo lover, Xueting is a emonemo miney mo girl :( 18 things in life :)
2/27/2011 12:50:00 am
1. Commit yourself to making lots of mistakes. – Mistakes teach you important lessons. The biggest mistake you can make is doing nothing because you’re too scared to make a mistake. So don’t hesitate – don’t doubt yourself. In life, it’s rarely about getting a chance; it’s about taking a chance. You’ll never be 100% sure it will work, but you can always be 100% sure doing nothing won’t work. Most of the time you just have to go for it! And no matter how it turns out, it always ends up just the way it should be. Either you succeed or you learn something. Win-Win. Remember, if you never act, you will never know for sure, and you will be left standing in the same spot forever. 2. Find hard work you love doing. – If I could offer my 18-year-old self some real career advice, I’d tell myself not to base my career choice on other people’s ideas, goals and recommendations. I’d tell myself not to pick a major because it’s popular, or statistically creates graduates who make the most money. I’d tell myself that the right career choice is based on one key point: Finding hard work you love doing. As long as you remain true to yourself, and follow your own interests and values, you can find success through passion. Perhaps more importantly, you won’t wake up several years later working in a career field you despise, wondering “How the heck am I going to do this for the next 30 years?” So if you catch yourself working hard and loving every minute of it, don’t stop. You’re on to something big. Because hard work ain’t hard when you concentrate on your passions. 3. Invest time, energy and money in yourself every day. – When you invest in yourself, you can never lose, and over time you will change the trajectory of your life. You are simply the product of what you know. The more time, energy and money you spend acquiring pertinent knowledge, the more control you have over your life. 4. Explore new ideas and opportunities often. – Your natural human fears of failure and embarrassment will sometimes stop you from trying new things. But you must rise above these fears, for your life’s story is simply the culmination many small, unique experiences. And the more unique experiences you have, the more interesting your story gets. So seek as many new life experiences as possible and be sure to share them with the people you care about. Not doing so is not living. 5. When sharpening your career skills, focus more on less. – Think in terms of Karate: A black belt seems far more impressive than a brown belt. But does a brown belt really seem any more impressive than a red belt? Probably not to most people. Remember that society elevates experts high onto a pedestal. Hard work matters, but not if it’s scattered in diverse directions. So narrow your focus on learning fewer career related skills and master them all. 6. People are not mind readers. Tell them what you’re thinking.– People will never know how you feel unless you tell them. Your boss? Yeah, he doesn’t know you’re hoping for a promotion because you haven’t told him yet. That cute girl you haven’t talked to because you’re too shy? Yeah, you guessed it; she hasn’t given you the time of day simply because you haven’t given her the time of day either. In life, you have to communicate with others. And often, you have to open your vocal cords and speak the first words. You have to tell people what you’re thinking. It’s as simple as that. 7. Make swift decisions and take immediate action. – Either you’re going to take action and seize new opportunities, or someone else will first. You can’t change anything or make any sort of progress by sitting back and thinking about it. Remember, there’s a huge difference between knowing how to do something and actually doing it. Knowledge is basically useless without action. 8. Accept and embrace change. – However good or bad a situation is now, it will change. That’s the one thing you can count on. So embrace change, and realize that change happens for a reason. It won’t always be easy or obvious at first, but in the end it will be worth it. 9. Don’t worry too much about what other people think about you. – For the most part, what other people think and say about you doesn’t matter. When I was 18, I let the opinions of my high school and early college peers influence my decisions. And, at times, they steered me away from ideas and goals I strongly believed in. I realize now, ten years later, that this was a foolish way to live, especially when I consider that nearly all of these people whose opinions I cared so much about are no longer a part of my life. Unless you’re trying to make a great first impression (job interview, first date, etc.), don’t let the opinions of others stand in your way. What they think and say about you isn’t important. What is important is how you feel about yourself. 10. Always be honest with yourself and others. – Living a life of honesty creates peace of mind, and peace of mind is priceless. Period. 11. Talk to lots of people in college and early on in your career. – Bosses. Colleagues. Professors. Classmates. Social club members. Other students outside of your major or social circle. Teaching assistants. Career advisors. College deans. Friends of friends. Everyone! Why? Professional networking. I have worked for three employers since I graduated from college (I left my first two employers by choice on good terms), but I only interviewed with the first employer. The other two employers offered me a job before I even had a formal interview, based strictly on the recommendation of a hiring manager (someone I had networked with over the years). When employers look to fill a position, the first thing they do is ask the people they know and trust if they know someone who would do well in the position. If you start building your professional network early, you’ll be set. Over time, you’ll continue talking to new people you meet through your current network and your network’s reach and the associated opportunities will continue to snowball for the duration of your career. 12. Sit alone in silence for at least ten minutes every day. – Use this time to think, plan, reflect, and dream. Creative and productive thinking flourish in solitude and silence. With quiet, you can hear your thoughts, you can reach deep within yourself, and you can focus on mapping out the next logical, productive step in your life. 13. Ask lots of questions. – The greatest ‘adventure’ is the ability to inquire, to ask questions. Sometimes in the process of inquiry, the search is more significant than the answers. Answers come from other people, from the universe of knowledge and history, and from the intuition and deep wisdom inside yourself. These answers will never surface if you never ask the right questions. Thus, the simple act of asking the right questions is the answer. 14. Exploit the resources you do have access to. – The average person is usually astonished when they see a physically handicap person show intense signs of emotional happiness. How could someone in such a restricted physical state be so happy? The answer rests in how they use the resources they do have. Stevie Wonder couldn’t see, so he exploited his sense of hearing into a passion for music, and he now has 25 Grammy Awards to prove it. 15. Live below your means. – Live a comfortable life, not a wasteful one. Do not spend to impress others. Do not live life trying to fool yourself into thinking wealth is measured in material objects. Manage your money wisely so your money does not manage you. Always live well below your means. 16. Be respectful of others and make them feel good. – In life and business, it’s not so much what you say that counts, it’ how you make people feel. So respect your elders, minors, and everyone in between. There are no boundaries or classes that define a group of people that deserve to be respected. Treat everyone with the same level of respect you would give to your grandfather and the same level of patience you would have with your baby brother. Supporting, guiding, and making contributions to other people is one of life’s greatest rewards. In order to get, you have to give. 17. Excel at what you do. – There’s no point in doing something if you aren’t going to do it right. Excel at your work and excel at your hobbies. Develop a reputation for yourself, a reputation for consistent excellence. 18. Be who you were born to be. – You must follow your heart, and be who you were born to be. Some of us were born to be musicians – to communicate intricate thoughts and rousing feelings with the strings of a guitar. Some of us were born to be poets – to touch people’s hearts with exquisite prose. Some of us were born to be entrepreneurs – to create growth and opportunity where others saw rubbish. And still, some of us were born to be or do whatever it is, specifically, that moves you. Regardless of what you decide to do in your lifetime, you better feel it in every fiber of your being. You better be born to do it! Don’t waste your life fulfilling someone else’s dreams and desires. But above all, laugh when you can, apologize when you should, and let go of what you can’t change. Life is short, yet amazing. Enjoy the ride. Wednesday, February 23, 2011
don't believe the things you tell yourself so late at night
2/23/2011 08:48:00 pm
crazy shit last night was crazy crazy shit. went dinner w Vera and Vivian and then I got so emo nemo I just went back to the library to cry then I wanted to send some crazy text but I fell asleep. holy crap thank god I fell asleep or I will regret FOR LIFE :(today's EV was :( :( :( goodbye to top5 for water EV. my only hope is gone D: damn emo after EV so I just talked to Bao & Kim, then then I cried :( mixed trng was damn bad too. my strokes how slow :( keep crying during every set is like wtf. and I bet GPS judge meeee :( must be thinking why got some loser kid on the boat :( but he personally corrected my stroke haha. I have a weird fetish for 50 year old man. KIDDDDINGS. went buffet w the yr1s after bathing (Y) SO DAMN BLOOODY GOOD. et until WANT TO DIE. UNTIL I WANT TO EXPLODE :\ but it was gooood. then went Vera's hse to bake ^^ pretty cupcakes for pretty girls (Rachel, Vera and Wenyi) =D so happyzxzx because we had our HTHT. I love HTHT. with the right people of course ;) anw received some sms-es recently.. Seniors who care for juniors GMH (: Tuesday, February 22, 2011
lai, one more for you
2/22/2011 08:09:00 pm
tml I will row, row, row my boaton thurs I will pull, pull, pull myself and then run, run, run my best this EV is driving me crazyyyyyyyyyyyyy :( anw I need to post abt this emo thing I saw @ Daiso ytd :( I've been hurt before and I'm afraid to speak out what's on my mind. I believe you're just like me but somehow I know this time all the magic will come true. This time it's real.
SAW IT ON SOME EMO DAISO NOTEBOOK. and one more.. Love makes the world go round, that's why I am feeling dizzy all the time. ok enough abt emo love posts. one day I'll look back at all these and laugh at all my sillyness. for now I'll just look at my blisters :( my palms are freaking coarse :( I'd rather have coarse palms than to get zero for EV though :( anythg to do well for EV :( :( :( :( why is a title needed.
2/22/2011 03:56:00 pm
I have work to do but I'd rather youtube, fb and blog. NO WONDER I AM NOT GETTING my 4.3 :(if I can get 4.3 for just ONE freaking sem, I will run 10 rounds around Campus Green. I will run 10 freaking rounds without stopping I swear. but I don't think there will be a chance for me to do so :\ let's just hope no 2.7 for Xueting this sem. I can't wait for my Eskimo bubble tea =) hope ZT returns soon (: listening to EMONEMO songs on iTunes is bad :( I had Monday Blues and now I have Tuesday Blues :\
you told me I will be a changed person after I enter SMU. you said that I will be a damn proud person. you are only half right. because it is true that I have changed. but I have not become a proud person. I have become a person filled with self doubts. every training I doubt my abilities and my potential. I wish I can be proud, but no. I want to be filled with that optimism I had on 28 August 2010 :( :( :( something lifted my mood a little today.. some line from "Surviving The Cut" .. YOU'RE NOT SOME MODEL FROM ABERCROMBIE AND FITCH, YOU'RE HARDCORE. Saturday, February 19, 2011
because I am bored
2/19/2011 05:57:00 pm
There was a time when people said that Tay Suet Theng wouldn't make it, but I did There was a time when training seemed too much to take, but I stay I build my muscles, strong and big Reaching out my paddle To go long and go deepppppppp I love my paddle, I love my vest I love my teammates, they're the best I love to long pull, I love to charge I love dragonboat, very very much I hope it is obvious that you can sing the above to some national day song. At Queensway Macs now, damn bloody hungry. I hate the PSY paper =( essay totally cui. LIDAT HOWTO MAJOR IN PSY :( I how emo nemo. but lunch was awesome w hj and nath (: ROS yummy yums ((: then went Anchorpoint. SIAN CNK DUN HAVE SHOES :( but bought socks ! and shorts from CTN ON. $10 damn booooooody cheap. I LIKE =) then went QW SC to buy FBT but dont have the turquoise one =( I HOW EMO NEMO =( thinking of getting another colour but straight cut and turquoise with curve cut =( I ALRDY HAVE 8 FREAKING FBTS :\ that is approx $100 alrdy :( maybe I shouldn't buy it, but FBTs are foreverrrrrr D: ok maybe I shld resist and invest in a pair of HAPPYNIKESHORTS =) they are so pretty I bet I will run 3mins for my evaluation if I run in them =)) was talking to Hj and Nath just now abt some stuff then I damn emo until now =( let's just say we have achieved Pareto Efficiency =( sometimes I have too little faith in myself =( anw just a short abstract from a sms I received .. "keep training hard alright? MR 500 coming soon you must fight (:" little things in life that keep me going for trainings. that keep me doing the DBT pull ups. DBT is damn bloody tough btw. I hate it when my fingers hurt from all the pull up practices but I hate the fact that I failed EV even more. I don't want to fail again =(( and I still believe perfect practice makes perfect =) something for everyone who is having a tough week.. studies lai, projects lai DB lai. ![]() Monday, February 14, 2011
10 more hours to end of Vday
2/14/2011 02:21:00 pm
我不难过这不算什么 Thursday, February 10, 2011
week 6. week of the devil D:
2/10/2011 07:56:00 pm
I am so tired ): finished Psy class at 715 D: half an extra EXTRA =( Psy class is fun but Psy quiz is not fun =( still got lots of things to do. ate dinner at Koufu with 50 other people who were also in Koufu. actually there is nothing wrong with eating alone, except the occasional stares and pitiful looks. basket. I am not emo, I am independent >=[I keep thking there's a lot of work due when actually I only got opinion piece due but I am so paranoid about it D: IMAGINE GETTING 3 OUT OF 6 PARAGRAPHS CANCELLED OUT FOR FIRST DRAFT, 1 OUT OF 3 PARAGRAPHS CANCELLED OUT FOR SECOND DRAFT, how would you feel =( the main point is I TOOK AW LAST SEM AND IT DIDN'T HELP ME IN MY WRITING AT ALL. and the shit thing is I HAVE PSY MIDTERMS NEXT WEEK D: A LOT A LOT A LOT OF MCQS and ONE FREAKING ESSAY. someone save me =( but next week will be last week of school for HALF THE TERM. I siao liao. this SEM's modules are killers =( how to pull up my GPA. my GPA will only keep going down, down , down down down like Jay Sean. time to watch Luan on youtube again. Luan is my potential best friend because he is damn KAOPEH. on a scale on 1 to 10, 10 being most kaopeh, I rank myself 2 and Luan is probably 15 ! HAHAHA Friday, February 04, 2011
Luan Legacy
2/04/2011 04:11:00 pm
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMFpZRDYha4holy smokes this is damn bloody funny. watched in a few weeks before and it never fails to entertain me. Luan Legacy is damn funny. I DIEDDDDD. Thursday, February 03, 2011
2/03/2011 09:51:00 am
the first song that struck me when I woke up was "Evacuate the Dancefloor" by Cascada. it is obvious auntie Xueting is displaying CWS (Clubbing Withdrawal Symptoms). actually I think I will be fine if there isn't so much school work D: but there IS. sucks to be me =( but I found a website that makes me happy. very very happy. and that ishttp://www.smartphowned.com/ HAHA. I started reading this last night and I nearly died of laughter. DAMN BLOOOOODY FUNNNY. or maybe I am just stressed D: 170 pages (for 1 subject) behind readings D: I am going to dieeeeees I am contemplating making cheesecake for Saturday's gathering D: but miser me is concerned over the price. given that I spend $510 last month. like WTF ok. I NVR SPEND SO MUCH IN ONE MONTH. Fred Perry emptied my pockets, my bank account and my soul. I am so poooor right nao =( but I split up my spendings and realised I can save A LITTLE this month. SHOPPING STILL CARRIES ON AS USUAL!! No more lending $ to friends!! No more doing of nails!! No more CABBING to training!! and I will stop spoiling my mortal with so much food!! I spent damn a lot on Angel & Mortal alrdy!! and this month should be don't need pay club fund!! and NO MORE GONG CHA THIS MONTH!! I think I drank Gong Cha 4 times last month. 3 days consecutively D: The money saved from food will go to "Xueting's Shopping Fund". if I don't save right, I need to go Vietnam and be farmer alrdy =( need to walk there, no $ for air ticket D: no more expensive food. I everyday go Waterloo eat Cai Fan =( but actually it is nice. and no more SNACKS. my meals are ok, snacks killed me. snacks damn expensive. CAI FAN CAI FAN CAI FAN. or go home for dinner :S HOPE I STRIKE 4D ON SATURDAYYYY/SUNDAY.
2/03/2011 01:07:00 am
I was watching movies at a friends house, and my boyfriend and I cuddled on the couch.At midnight, he looked to me and said, "Guess what today is?" I said, "Two months?" He smiled and said, "Two down, forever to go." His love gives me hope. My grandmother lost her wedding ring a few weeks ago. She believed she would never see it again. Today, I saw my grandfather get down on one knee and re-propose to her with the same ring. Love that's never lost, and timeless devotion, GMH. OMG HAHAHAHA
2/03/2011 12:14:00 am
![]() Wednesday, February 02, 2011
the CJC flame
2/02/2011 07:42:00 pm
went TPY ytd because I wanted to get stuff from Phoon Huat. spent damn a lot of $ and spent damn a lot of time q-ing. angryyyy.anw the main thing is I saw CJC kids @ TPY. nostalgic much. I was that CJ girl, hanging out @ Subway after orientation when I was in J1, that CJ girl who did orientation for my fantabulous juniors when I was in J2. I was still that CJ girl up till last year, going back as a J3, helping out in orientation. really wanted to go back this year. somehow CJC offers comfort. those 2 years, I would give up maybe 5 years of my life to relive those moments. yes, those 2 years were moments of heart break and bull shit homework. lectures till 5pm, no short skirts, no dyed hair, no fanciful earrings, no ankle socks, no funny colour hair bands. BUT IT WAS REALLY AWESOME. not all classmates were super helpful or kind or nice, but my clique was really perfect. without them I would never have made it even to prelimssss. I just miss those helpful people who cared so much. who helped me so much .. but now, I still have one classmate who cares =) and that's Kok Yuling! today after we got back Pol Sci quiz, she just motivated me to study and try to class part more. and every week she will nag me to do readings. I DID MY READINGS THIS WEEK OK! =) first time in 5 weeks :\ but yep, she has really been damn bloody good =) actually I miss last sem's classmates =( I miss JiaWei and Tiak =( I have Mich and Kok and Polly though =) and known more people like Soon Hyung and Mel =) went for lunch w Mel Peng on Mon and she asked me if I like anyone in SMU and I was like NO. because every freaking boy I know is a complete cock. nt physically ._. but character. boys are just damn bloody competitive and did I mention SELFISHHHHHH. damn bloody gross. was just telling Bff and Ryan on Sunday that the girls here are damn nice but guys are just WTF. they think they are damn bloody zai because they're fitter and all. BULLSHIT. and some of them even bitchier than girls. holy crap. these people need to WAKE UP. and I told Ryan not to come SMU hahah. SERIOUSLY the environment here is crazyyy. thank God for some Db-ers. Or not I will diessss alrdy. I need some REAL LOVE from REAL FRIENDS. and I really hate CNY. those weird people popping by once a year, all that cliche talk BORES me. and my mum's friend is here. I RLLY WANT MY REUNION DINNER. he needs to leave and LET US EAT. hate it when I have to wait for other people to eat. I can wait for you to go buy things, to go toilet but don't ask me to wait for you to eat. I WILL BE DAMN BLOODY ANGRY >:( and sth random, I owned my mum tht day Mum: dont db le, so dark. arm damn big liao. nt gg to find a bf Xt: why you always want me to get attached, and why want me to find someone who just cares about outer appearance. you think I will be happy? if the person don't like me because I db, then you think I will be happy with that person for the rest of my life? Mum: !!! my mum needs to realise that my character is rlly cui. I am vulgar and I got damn bad attitude. I damn angsty and I kaopeh A LOT. so nobody is going to woo me even if I quit db. so with or without db, I am gg to be emogirl_91. she needs to realise that. 10 more days to Vday. I am gg to train in the morning and then study in the library. I am a loser without love but it is ok. I transfer that love to love for my books. Hopefully my GPA loves me enough to push itself higher this sem. knn, the person still in my house. NABEH.
tarts of love
2/02/2011 07:20:00 pm
I, Xueting Zheng like to act hero, hence my finger has a damn big and deep cut. Project tarts of love = projects cut my finger D: the sway thing is, after I cut my finger ytd, I got another wound. I was sewing and then the needle poke me. LIKE WTFFFFFFF. then it keep bleeding, keep keep bleeding. basket. SAME FINGER SOME MORE D:but ok la. tarts of love successful ^^ but I kena shoot during Pol Sci class. AS USUAL! anw shall post some funny FB statuses/posts on my wall ^^ Prof: we are all part of some organization right? What do you all belong to? -turns to me- Prof: you belong to the row group right, don't you? What do you fight for? Xt: the school, love for the team Prof: -more blah blahs- wahlauuuuuuus D: sueting is loved by prof!:) (Y) prof: okay after this we are going to have a break!
xt: *smiles like an idiot* .... prof: like you see, this person here *points* is a political entrepeneur...! xt: *smiling like an idiot to stunned face* .... LOL! your fb classparting is overtaking mine. LOL my parents are going to kill me. when they were downstairs, I ate the "extra plates" of food on the table. it was meant to be offered to their Gods. holy. ok everyone go eat TUAN YUAN FAN! |
The (OWN)er
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hehe haha hoho