敗 犬 |
I found your fingerprints on my shattered heart. I'm a lousy spider, entangled in a love web. Love is an addiction I can't quit. Love isn't a science, you can't calculate the feelings. Can a once in a lifetime love find a second chance? Sometimes when you love someone you gotta forget your own happiness. And remember theirs. When love and determination work together, expect a masterpiece. |
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Short Term Goals For 2010
5/29/2010 12:45:00 pm
1. Go Flyer FOR THE 1ST FREAKING TIME IN MY LIFE :\ so loser-ish I know :( Actually I might as well publicise for them. Now got $10 rides again! :D till 30th Sept!2. Visit to the Zoo w Bestie & w Shihui! Go there smell animal shit :\ 3. Save $1k for HK trip! 4. Finish typing all the msges I saved in the (damn)SE phone, so when I bid it goodbye, I will have all my msges w me, for life (: 5. follow Anna Tang's instruction - patch up cavity! 6. finish HIMYM & my movies! I see Whampoa!!
5/29/2010 12:37:00 pm
http://infinity.usanethosting.com/FunPics/Singapore_MRT_map.jpgthis better come true, although it's just for laughs. I want Whampoa station! I will be super duper happy ok. Nothing gets better than Whampoa haha! Bro coming over ltr! To pass me my file :\ I left it with him haha. Cuizxzx. Woke up @ 11 :\ Hw to slp early tonight :\ tml must wake up @ 615am!! Hope AC2010 will have an awesome Finale (: gg to use the new blender ltr! HAHA. Totally reminded me to watch annoying orange! (: 宫s
5/29/2010 02:30:00 am
我希望在我的视线里 永远有你在内!So touching! Friday, May 28, 2010
Asia Conference 2010 Day 3
5/28/2010 11:45:00 pm
went for AC2010 @ 10plus. totally missed the 1st session today but made it for the 2nd session (: woke up w a bad flu, nose stucked like NO MOTHER :( and it was freezing in hall10 :(after tt went eat w cg, bought B.K! So hard to bite :( hate the braces! :( cuizxzx met Lion then q-ed w cg. YAY GOT INTO HALL 8 :D svc was good (: I irritated Josh & Lion with the annoying mushy song. HAHA. Pastor was asking us to sing the song to our neighbour so I turned towards Josh & Lion to sing with the annoying mushy face HAHAH :D best thing today? Kept hugging and touching Jiayu! make her feel weirddddd :p Evonne is my touch-jiayu partner lol. went home w Charmaine Adallyn and Evonne. chated w Bestie on the fone! Finally (: 好不好 by 颜莞倩 quite nice! go listen (: No more update 4 today, tml & sunday
5/28/2010 12:57:00 am
Gotta be real busy for the next 3 days! Damn sad nt sad to meet up w Hannah, Qiaoyi & Bro ltr!Anw Bro is super awesome, although he has been in army since feb, he always make an effort to ask all of us out! Make me feel like such a bad friend :( but I made it up ytd ok! which was just a few hrs ago! We hang out, talked and talked! Just feeling slightly emo now :( too many things on my mind.. Haven been chatting w Bestie for so long :O need someone to pour my woes to.. sometimes you can only share certain things w certain people. Like some people are entitled to your happiness & your sadness.. There is sth v impt in the back of my head now.. only talked to Bro & Bestie abt it cause I rlly find it hard to tell anyone else :( maybe when it's nearer the date, which is not very far away! wish I had more time to decide! argh.. maybe I shall challenge myself to overcome the urge of wanting to tell someone else. I am rlly afraid tt I might let my decision waver :\ anw Miss Teo did me a rlly gr8 favour.. just hope every effort will pay off! I owe Ryan Levi Seah like 2582484184189419million thanks too. Rlly will CUI like crap if not for my awesome Vp of Ebc. I rlly need to thank everyBARDY who have been by my side.. For once.. I wished you would just scold me. Kaopeh me the whole time so tt I wont feel bad. You dont have to worry for someone like me.. worry every single day about the outcome. Maybe if you chose someone else 19 yrs ago, you would be better off. You might have lesser worries.. I dont deserve you at all. For all I did, or rather all that I have never done for you, I dont understand why you love me so much, especially when our relationship is so complicated. Guess I will only understand when I am a parent, like you. Your love for me is not due to obligation of the law but rather, it is love for a child that is always getting into trouble, a child that is stubborn and refuses to grow up. A child that never does anything on special occasions, a child that talks back, a child that will always remain a child in your heart. Thursday, May 27, 2010
Billy Bombers
5/27/2010 11:06:00 pm
went to NLB to return my books after work. then met bro to eat Billy Bombers. jitao my teeth so pain I cnnt even bite. So emo :(After tt went shop shop arnd Bugis! Bought my REDDDD shoes! :D super duper happy! dunnid wear heels le! :D bro treated me to Rochor Daohuay! super long nvr eat! the last time I ate it was on the 20th of May! thats like 17daysssssssssssss. So long :( I have GAY braces now! Purple/violet heheh :D SUPER HAPPY I MANAGED TO RCH HOME ON TIME! not @ 10pm but @ 1 of my fav part of MY QUEEN. superb timing I must say (: so touching, emozxzx until cryzxzx. was damn pissed w my fone :( it died on me today! i charged it ytd.. but it din charge because it was faulty. LIKE WTH. I died okay! AND GUESS WHO I SAW @ BUGIS WHILE WAITING FOR MY FOOD TO BE SERVED @ B.B?!?!?!? Only Bro and Shihui knows! I SAW THIS COUPLE!!! So jealous hehe :( & I am super addicted to Sj's new songggg. Bounce to you bounce to you!! :D Main of the main point today: I nvr ANYHOW splurge! Haha all legitimate spendings, except for the cab fare :\ CUIZXZX. Bugis rlly got damn alot of sale! Super tempted! Argh :\ I miss Bestie! meet up for Astonzxzx soon! BABY YOU TURN IT UP NOW! the growing PAINS of a teenager!
5/27/2010 04:09:00 pm
braces damn freaking painful! :( AnnaTang totally added new TECHNOLOGY for my braces lor :( and she hurt me just now :( untilI keep bleeding (keep keep bleeding)after dental went HSA to donate blood. the doctor who did medical screening damn FUNNNY. she v serious de ask me abt sex. Doctor: hmms, you dun have multiple boyfriends or multiple sex partners hor? Xt: uh no (gives a WHATS-UR-PROBLEM face) Doctor: I am just asking, I need to ask everyone the same qns, dun worry. Xt: haha okok after tt donated blood then got movie to watch as I donate! went home to google abt it then realised tt it is "2012" ! Looks damn interestingggg, I wanna watch! went Cj to collect stuff & pass stuff to MissTeo! then went work! main pt is I cabbedto cj, $4.40 ok! normally shld be $3.80 :( cuizx went work then went lunch w colleagues. ANDREW DAMN NICE HE TREATED US TO CRYSTAL JADE! haha. I ordered wanton soup, got 6 wantons, I ate 2 and gave up(to Abel) hhaa. TOOK MY LIFE TO EAT THE MOTHER WANTON. shihui is ACTING CUTE. she is readddddding as I type. But I rather someone is beside me (: or not I am stuck w *. HAHA. sibeh sianzxzx damn emo bt my 2m giant :( :( :( :( :( no motivation to go to work anymore :( no motivation to make cereal :( no motivation to print FCCR forms :( no motivation go toilet :( no motivation go take FREE milo :( no motivation to wear nice clothes to offiice :( no motivation for anything :( anw had a jolly goooood day @ the office today lah! Andrew bought doughnuts 4 everyBARDY. Yeah! shared Avocado & Tira Miss U (Tiramisu) DNs w Abel. Ask him eat more he dunwan, he damn kaopeh want to see me eat and be IN PAIN. suckssssssszxzx. rest & relax time nao (: SHIHUI KEEP TOU KAN-ING AT MY POST. (I so shy heheeeeee) rubbish - Shihui I will miss SH tml when there is no work. Will miss J too!! :D *PS: SH is not rubbish...XT is!!! - by Shihui the PREHISTORIC ANIMALLLLLL. J J J J J J J JJJJ JJJ J (yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!) I am sleeping w Jonathan tonightttttttttttttttttt HAHHA. (so suggestive horr)))) Jonathan is the name of my New Look SHOES! Hehe. (hahahas...XT dunnoe hw to spell Neu Look) Sh is the most KAOPEH COLLEAGUE ever! (Yayyyy!!!) those bracket stuffs are by herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. act cute! currently my braces (&Sh) is killing me :( AND I AM STILL EMO OVER 2M :( (aka Fine Grain) Sh came up w the name Fine Grain. LIKE WTH! haha she interpreted 2M inchinese wrongly. NOOB :D (Creative !!!) Gg to end my post nao, b4 Sh destroys it. hehe. BYE BYEEEEEEEEE eliBARDY (yay!!!!!!!!!! Rou Rou Rou) Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Farewell dinner for 树仁 !
5/26/2010 11:57:00 pm
slept @ work today from 230 till 330. THOUGHT IT WAS 530 WHEN I WOKE UPZXZX. Cui, was only 330! so much time to kill.. every1 had nth to do so funny time started.kept talking crap until it was time to go for steamboat buffet! farewell dinner for Andrew Tan! :( took bus100 to Vivo, walked arnd pet shops, daiso blah blah b4 gg for SBB. super nice kept talking and talking. Funniest convo today among all the other funny funny ones. I rmb this like mad HAHA. SH: eee, 这个很像有臭臭的味道的! XT: maybe 老鼠吃过 SH: 可能是这只老鼠!! (points to Andrew) XT: 对lor, 你是老鼠 right? (looks @ Andrew) Andrew: 我是老鼠.. XT: 对la, 老鼠 SH: 是老鼠不是老虎 XT: 我讲老鼠, 我没有讲老虎 SH: 老虎, 老鼠, 傻傻分不清楚 had a funny time tgt! got one more! XT: you better eat up all the bloody luncheon meat, ask us put so much Michelle: If I eat the L.M, you must eat all the fishballs. XT: what fish boobs? Michelle: I said balls, not boobs Xt: You said boobs. HAHAH Everybody, Michelle say fish boobs Xt: Haha Andrew you want to eat fish boobs? HAHAHAHA I am so tired right now :( dental @ 845 tml! gota wake @ 730! Did the earth move?
5/26/2010 02:13:00 pm
I am going to love you, cherish you and honour you as best I can, apparently, it won't always be this easy. When things aren't going so well, I promise I'll think of today and remember how we felt because today is perfect and there is enough love here today to last a lifetimeBest wedding vow EVER. read it from "Did The Earth Move?" by Carmen Reid. Super nice! :D done w work @ the office.. damn little to do.. but the paid doesn't change! best deal EVER. met Sh to walk to work from the bus stop then went to June Bakery to buy bread - slurps! kinda slacked @ work till like 11+ till work came in! when it was 1230 nobody chionged for lunch.. no excitement @ all! shocking!! but went to Ah Seng to get takeaway anw! Mum suddenly called to tell me that she bought Daohuay 4 me near her work place then ask me what time I gg to find her for lunch.. I jitaoforgot abt lunch date w mum :( felt super bad abt it.. was telling Sh using Fb chat (when she is just sitting behind me lol, like 35cm apart) tt my mum was looking for me so she ask me go look for my mama! brisked walk to Army Market and brisked walk back! like within 15mins. I ran a bit :\ mum was quite surprised to see me within like 7.5 mins?!?! I hurry took the food then go back office! the weather was HOT( hahah ABELLLLLLL HAHAHAHA) gg for steamboat buffet ltr! having such a gd time in the office nao doing nth but laughing. Choco Boyzx freaking funnnnnnnnneh. Shall read my blog liao. Iambored.com Got dental tml :( dunnozxzx what colour to choose liao :\ ran out of combinations! gna be damn busy tml and 4 the rest of this week! :( deciding abt purchasing sth.. nt sure yet.. :( TODAY IS A SPECIAL DAYYYY FOR MEEEEE! Hope everythg go well! :D Whoohoo! & rlly thanks Ryan & Yishi 4 helping me so much :( Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I need 8hrs of sleep, or more
5/25/2010 08:18:00 pm
Slept for 5hrs last night. made up for the remaining 3 in the office! Nice one Xueting. super tired!Got 5 million things to do now, cuizxzx! Need help badly :( or nt I am gg to have 5hrs of slp AGAIN. then slp in the office AGAIN, hehe :\ I need to manage my life, can't let myself fall apart because of 1 small setback. or 1 tiny setback! Need to stand up on my own 2 feet! Super Junior fever is backkkkkkkkkkk. Keep disturbing M & SH @ work today with the humming of Bonamana! Totally irritated them heh :P Bff coming over ltr to help me and to demand gift :P yay, we have the same shirt le! (: frigging tired nao. Grr ohsoboring
5/25/2010 09:26:00 am
in the office nao, gt nth to do. both (: and :(:) because can wtahc youtubeee! Can spam MY justin & MY superjnr! :D :( because I am bored! Keep watching videos a bit sian also :\ But can read my storybooks so I guess it's fine! I am such a kaopeh because I can't make up my mind mind mind mind mind :p Made up my mind abt sth.. Told Bro & Bestie abt some decision.. Wished I could ask for opinions from more people but I am afraid of the "You sure?", "You can anot?" .. It took me frigging long to convince myself to do it! ABEL IS HERE. I JUST DIED FROM LAUGHINGGGGGGG. Monday, May 24, 2010
the future
5/24/2010 11:42:00 pm
chatted w my mum ytd abt the future, met up w Bro, talked abt the future. Which isn't too bad because we had actually made plans! went to meet Ting&Abel @ Ting's hse to make yam paste (: talked to Ting abt the future.. On the way home, talked to Abel abt the future. I am forward looking at least, sounds comforting?My Queen so tear inducing, I am so doing this blog post because Bestie called to kaopeh me abt nt updating. So much for being Besties! Haha but Bestie have kinda been my source of joy these few days! Thanks, and yeah we will go for Astons ok. Don't act stingy, haha. Work tml, oh yeah. I need to SLEEP. Can't believe Andrew Tan is leaving, damn it. I RLLY DUNWAN HIM TO GO :( who is gg to kaopeh me in the morning? force me to say ZAO AN, disturb me during work by reading my blog when I am right beside him, bug me to treat him to lunch, talk about Reddy, go Sougou listen emo songs, let me write silly lyrics on his calender?!?!?! Nobody nobody but You(andrewww hahahah). Sucks ok, rlly SUCKS BIG TIME. I hate this parting thing :( probably because when I first joined work, all I had was Andrew (awwww). elseone else worked only on certain days, only Andrew Malaysian Tan & I work everyfreakingday. Damn sian now tt he is leaving! Nobody to help me with the phone calls that I dunwan to make :( So emo right now, but it's ok, Thursday is his last day. got 3 days to kaopeh him (: Wed is the MOST IMPT DAY OF MY LIFE(for now)! Things will brighten up for sure! :D Even if I lose the material things, I must not lose who I am on the inside, I am Tay Suet Theng, not Zheng Xue Ting. In 2 months, you will see.. Sunday, May 23, 2010
Fun @ Vivocity! (Cheesus loves Me!)
5/23/2010 03:12:00 am
went for cg & svc just now! :D then went home 4 dinner & to get presents then went to Vivocity! :D![]() haha purposely go find this pic to put in blog cause even my cousin nag @ me say my blog no pictures, all words :( NO CAMERA HOW TO HAVE PICTURES! :( Anw, had a great time w Hongyun, Maegan, Meishi, Yuxin & Zhengyan taking lame photos @ Vivo's RTG!! Haha, most memorable ones are "I love boys - Hy, Yx, Zy " & "walk closewise/anti clockwise to get effect - All of Us". Damn fun :D Shld blog abt Last day of Penang! :D woke up early to go to Jelutong Market to collect biscuits! Yep yep, ate chicken lor mee w BARLEY (: bought shoes for mum! (: then went back home rest, waited for Ken to come home then went out collect another batch of pre-ordered biscuits. Freaking heavy :( come tt when back to pack! DC BAG RLLY CNNT TAKE IT :( but still went out shopping w ken!! :D He drove me to Bukit Mertajam so we(I mean I) can shop @ Aeon Jusco Bandar Perda! (: had to passed this bridge, Penang bridge I think. SUPER DUPER BEAUTIFUL. no camera, no pictures :( but the scene was AWESOME. water was like emerald colour & when the sun shone on the water, it was like sparkling la! Look like they thousands of water droplets were dancing! Clouds looked like marshmallows! It kinda felt like paradise - although I duno what paradise feels like. It just looks awesome, like what I am seeing is not real, but a backdrop that has been so perfectly customised to look awesome! :D Was telling my cousin how beautiful everything is then he went like: "so you think I can see what you're seeing when I am driving".. eeeeyer! But he was kind enough to endure me throughout the 45mins ride. Jitao he was speeding so we rched in 30mins. 100km/h is not a joke, was holding on to my dear life! the best thing abt my cousin is throughout my trip in Penang, he endured my singing. everytime I am in the car, I get to choose the music I want and he doesn't ask me to shut up even though my singing sucks! BEST COUSIN EVER! :D walked arnd the mall then bought 2 bags! I bargained :D The bags were nice but I rlly cnnt buy so much :( cnnt carry :( Ken & I also visited some DIY STORE to get some stuff! Sth like Daiso in SG (: my cousin FORCED me to get a bottle for him! Thick skin! I bought presents for Ben too, little monster. Lunch was horrible, if I hadn't quit the F word, I would use it on the restaurant! Jitao when our food was served, there was a bug crawling on the place! then eat halfway got cockroach leg, SUCKS. other than that, the other food was nice BUT maybe I din see the cockroach leg =\ continued to walk arnd then bought DODOLS! (: Ebc's favourite! Bought shirt for Bro & Dad (: went home after tt! Ken offered BR but I rejected! He want me to finish it in the mall :( cnnt eat in the car! admired the beautiful scenery on the way back!! ate dinner, bathed then packed agn! looked super kuazhang with 1 superbigandalmostexploding DC BAG and 3 hand carries. Totally ready to act in "Terrorist & the City"! cousin droved aunt & I to airport! flight to SG was ok! (: took train to lavender then cabbed home! Dad was so worried because my 2nd aunt called him immediately after I leave the hse to tell him tt I got a lot of bags.. when my dad saw me.. he was like: "HUH LIDAT ONLY? Your aunt kuazhang" ! hhaa! (: Overall, I had a pleasant trip in P, thanks to my relatives who made it possible! AWESOME AWESOME TRIP! (: cnnt wait for Hk trip @ the end of the yr w EBC! (: whoohoooooo! Been quite emo these few days, shld stop being emo! Shld aim to update my 2nd blog more often & update Ebc's blog!! :D Or not Ryan the power hungry Vp will overthrow me! I need slp! Saturday, May 22, 2010
5/22/2010 01:30:00 am
Time to move on and do what I can, not focus on what I can't.No time to be emo. I will live today btr than ytd, I will ensure tt I live tml btr than today. Thanks to everyBARDY(haha Bestie) who have been cheering me up, appreciate it much (: I can do it! Just had a chat w Bro, thanks Bro 4 being super duper LAME, tlly cracked me up! & I have got a goal in life, since the phone has got to go one day.. I am gg to type out EVERY SINGLE SMS tt I saved, those wishes and blahblah, those smses tt cheer me up. Gg to type everyone of them! :D It will keep on accumulating :D Wednesday, May 19, 2010
2nd last day in Penang! :(
5/19/2010 11:18:00 pm
woke up frigging early to go to Jelutong Market! ate wanton mee for breakfast (: with Barley of course(lol)! then walked arnd, supposed to buy biscuits but dun haf so must order, then tml collect. HIGH IN DEMAND! walked arnd, bought top & bottom :D thanks to Ken's mum who paid for it. I think quite expensive though :( because from market & we're in Penang. It should be cheaper! Basket.went home then packed my stuff(no joke). waited for Ken to come home then went to QBM to buy stuff. JITAO I RLLY BOUGHT A LOT THERE. Just told Bestie and she was shocked. No choice, I gt nth to buy for everyone so just buy all from the same mall. I was telling Ken it is ridiculous for them to sell the same product as SG but so much more EX. I am so gg back to the F21 in SG. Damn it. Was hoping to get some nice stuff here. Grrr. Went back with like 253637547345234523s stuff. Packed all inside my bad until the BRIM. Jitao the DC BAG gg to explode anytime :( but gifts for my friends. To be honest, not from me, shld be from my relatives. The $ I brought there was self sustainable but definitely nt enough to buy any gifts, so yup, thank God for very generous relatives. Ken has been pretty kind to me too! He always offered to pay for the food (: BECAUSE I AM STINGYYYY(as claimed by him, thanks huh) :p had a freaking hard time packing so I rewarded myself with 3.5hrs of slp (: yay! then went out for steamboat buffet! after tt went Pasar Malam! Bought shirt :D hehe, very happy today! OMG, ZHONG DIAN IS TODAY I BORROWED A PINK SHIRT FROM MY AUNT JUST TO EAT BR's ICE CREAM! :D super duper happy! The most kaopeh.com thing is I din manage to get any shoes/bags. SIANZ.COM :( yay coming back tml :D bet @ lavender they're gg to stop me cause I look like a terrorist! GOOD GAME :( Tuesday, May 18, 2010
tuesday w xueting
5/18/2010 09:37:00 pm
Ignore the title, it just so happen that today is Tuesday and and and .. I just want to have such a title. Haha. Hopefully you know where I got my inspiration from for the title, if not, repent.Woke up rather early today, only w 6 hrs of slp. slept at 3am ytd, attempted to slp @ 130 but failed. tossed & turned for 90mins. I miss my pathetic corner @ home, no bed but a soft & comfy mattress that is LONG enough. went for breakfast w Ken's mum, 2nd aunt, 3rd aunt and her husband(TTY) @ Gurney. they wanted Bah Kut Teh for breakfast. I was damn silent during the trip because I was quite upset in the morning.. for once, I wished my mum was by my side :( anw during breakfast they had this big discussion abt children and their course of study. Ken's mum kept on saying tt Social Science is useless. I have like 101 counter arguments but really, I cnt be bothered to sit there and ruin everyone's mood. Smiling & nodding is the best plan, for real. You can't compare Social Science from 1990 w Social Science in 2010. You can't compare SS in Penang and SS in SG, it is probably different in styles and syllabus(note that I am nt saying which is superior, I just made a point that it is different). The demand for graduates in SS differ in both countreis, so yup, thats what I am trying to say. Anw, I was quite impressed by TTY, although I don't rlly have a gd impression of him because of what he did (not to me but still..), he said sth today and it kinda impressed me. He said tt for all his 4 children (my super duper old cousins with kids), he never interfered with their choice of course of study. He allowed them to study whatever they want, to go with their interest. He was saying these to Ken's mum because she was saying tt she wished Ken had taken Pharmaceutical Science instead of Business Management(or whatever he is studying now). I kinda looked at TTY in a different light, for that moment @ the Kopitiam while we eat our dessert(yummy red bean soup). I mean, he is like 70+, so he is supposedly "old fashion", I thought he would have chosen the course of study for his kids, but he didn't. My niece, his granddaughter just completed her A levels in KL and she had all As(I am just slighty envious hehe, but proud to have such a smart relative). He was telling us that she is gg to the US to further her studies and she is gg to study abt recycling & the envt. Ken's mum was like saying that she shld go into Science or Law and not whatever-she-is-gg-to-do. I really don't get it.. If that is what she want, why can't she go for it? Why do some parents always think that doctors & lawyers always have it best? It might be a promising job with benefits but there must be passion, no? Passion for the job and passion to help those that need help. If you want to be a doctor, you have to have a heart that wants to help, a heart that wants to prolong the life of every human being. You have to be ready to sacrifice your sleep just so that someone can live longer and not go to sleep forever, you have to be ready to face with the fact that no matter how hard you try, if someone's time is up, you have to let them go. Even for lawyers, they might have to fight cases for criminals, use unscrupulous means to twist the fact, find loopholes in law to save their client's ass(literally, sometimes). It goes against every bit of their conscience to see the guilty set free, ready to commit yet another crime; the innocent not getting any justice. With a job that looks so good on the outside(literally, the doctor's coat & lawyer's wig), everyone tends to overlook the "cons". It would really help if parents can see that as much as they want success for their children, they need to let their children explore their area of interest and not direct them( too much) in the road of life. Big paragraph of digression, time to go back to main topic, which is Tuesday w Xueting. after breakfast went back home, to read and sleep. Ken's mum drove him to school because he was all drowsy and groggy from the medicine :( slept till Ken came back from his exam then went out for lunch! Pig intestine porridge, yam cake, rice dumplings and red bean soup(again, lol). Ken's mum suggested Chendol but I said no because I DON'T EVEN EAT IT. I have been to Penang 214235425235times and I have nvr displayed any interest in Chendol, apparently nobody displayed any interest in my interest, ok I am nt gg to start my pity party. went home then decided to read my book! finished it! whoohoo :D so accomplised! I used to gobble down storybooks like cereals but this book took me so long to digest! Slept till like 7 b4 deciding tt I should wake up for dinner. Q: Describe the trend in Xueting's daily life in Penang. [2m] A: There is a general trend of eating alternated with sleeping. Occasionally, shopping in included. Ate a vegetarian dinner because I was so lazy to use the scissors(in front of me) to cut the chicken. Laziness has got into me big time. Supper made up for it though, had chicky porridge :D actually it was Ken who wanted the porridge but I was greedy so we bought 2. Anw while driving to the place for supper, I timed the journey, it was rlly 2minutes, so I nvr KUAZHANG in my previous post ok! :D it's 1035 nao, meaning in Sg, MQ is playing. I should be multitasking in front of the tv(crying and blowing my nose). Normally, late night chats w bestie will follow.. I miss Sg so badly right now(Na Na Na). Gg market tml in the morning, afternoon gg shopping agn! :D night gg Pasar Malam! quite happy but damn sad tt I cannot bring back Taosahpiah! Freaking have to buy all the biscuits for my aunts then I don't even have any more hands to carry my own. Sucks big time. Hopefully when Ken comes to Sg in July/Aug I can beg him to bring some for me :( It's time to say goodbye, I have spent such a long time blogging! Looking forward to Friday & Saturday! Back to Diners on Friday, I hope I will be tired from the flight on thursday tt I will just fall dead on the bed. If I am gg to slp @ 2-3am agn, I might as well don't turn up for work.. My flight is @ 8plus on thursday, so jitao must eat dinner @ 530! Damn early but it's good, I need to breathe the air from Sg :D Intesting & thought provoking (not from me though)
5/18/2010 09:14:00 pm
read this from a magazine in cousin's house. It was in Chinese so I had to translate it with much effort & skill(hopefully).1. eat more grains. (so random, I know) 2. be familiar with the poems that you like. (?!?!) 3. don't believe everything you hear, don't spend everything you have, don't sleep for as long as you want. (last 2 points speaking to me!) 4. whenever you say "I love you", mean it with all your heart. 5. whenever you say "I am sorry", look the person in the eye. 6. believe in love @ 1st sight. (hmm, nt so sure abt this) 7. don't belittle other people's dreams and ambitions. 8. love with passion, you might be hurt but this is the only way your life can be complete. 9. use the correct approach to resolve a conflict, don't offend the other party. 10. nvr judge a book by it's cover. think faster than you speak. 11. when asked a qns that you do not wish to ans, reply with a smile: "why do you want to know?". 12. rmb that only those who are willing to take risks can achieve the greatest love & success. 13. call your mum, if you can't , at least think of her. (alright alright) 14. always say "bless you" when someone sneezes. 15. even if you fail, nvr forget the lesson learnt. 16. nvr let a small dispute ruin a great friendship. 17. whenever you realise you have made a mistake, try your best to make restorations. be fast. 18. whenever you make/receive a call, always smile because the other party can feel it. 19. marry someone that you love to chat with because as you age, you will realise that the love for chatting is a person's greatest plus point. 20. find some time to be alone. 21. I'm tired from typing all these. Haha. 22. be open to changes but do not cast aside your personal stand. 23. rmb tt silence is golden. 24. read more books, watch lesser television programmes. 25. live a luxurious but honest life, so when you relish those memories, you get to enjoy life again. 26. believe in God but don't forget to lock. (love the way this rhymes) 27. try your best to attain peace and harmony @ home. 28. when you quarrel w your love ones, do not bring old matters into the current situation/argument. 29. do not hold on to yesterday. 30. share your knowledge to keep it going. 31. love the Earth. 32. busy yourself with things you're supposed to do. 33. nvr trust someone who don't close their eyes when they kiss. (to know if they close their eyes, you have to open your eyes, that doesn't make you very trustworthy either, right?) 34. every year, visit a new place. 35. if you make alot of money, be charitable, this is the best reward you can get. 36. be it cooking or love, give your 100% but don't expect too much in return. 37. end of my kaopeh session, give you a break nao. I am naise. Monday, May 17, 2010
if you're bored
5/17/2010 10:21:00 pm
I read FML today, so freaking bored, you have no idea. Ken @ Jap class so nobody(nobody but you) entertain me :(FML did a pretty good job though! so did MLIA. damn it, cnt copy & paste, will find back those post when I am back in Sg & post them! grr. go to Queensbay Mall for More!
5/17/2010 08:18:00 pm
woke up @ 9plus today :( so frigging early! went for breakfast w cousin. The best part abt being in Penang is dun need to walk, my cousin frigging pampered, must drive wherever he goes, so guess who benefited? :Dto prove: Xt: eh tml breakfast we walk go eat issit. Ken: drive la, got 3cars what SEE! I am not complaining though, hehe (: breakfast was Hokkien Mee, intro-ed by cousin. And yup, you guessed it, barley. jitao I keep drinking it buay sian one. bought some kuehs back for aunt too! drove back, rched in 2min HAHA. read my storybook then out we go! rched QBM @ 1110 & it was too early for Ken to go to sch so he kinda just walked around w me, quite nice lurh! after he left, I just explored on my own! Bought quite a lot of stuff today! :D super duper happy. but only bought tops! no bags no shoes :( :( :( sians! Cannot wait to throw my CTN ON shoes away! spoil like no mother alrdy :( ate Baskin Robins! I am such a retard! I though BR was like KFC haha, wth right. I love the ice cream! Thumbs and toes up! :D shopped till 3plus then ate subway! Relatively cheap, abt $3.30 SGD for the sandwich of the day! no bad lurh, I was so pissed w myself for missing the lunch deal @ Secret Recipe! RAH! walked arnd somemore then went to Etude House, thanks to the ever attractive Lee Min Ho poster :D hehe cousin came to fetch me @ 4! super tired, he saw my shopping bag then shoke his head! :( so judgemental HAHA. went home to rest b4 gg to 3rd aunt hse. talked to aunt & uncle, they gave me "pocket $" hehe. so now I have another 200Rm to spend (: whoohoo! Thank God for blessing, I kinda emptied my wallet @ QBM today! I have more receipts than cash in my wallet is not a joke :( had dinner @ home today, home cooked food still rocks (: Somehow shopping makes me forget abt Sg but when I am in front of the comp, I wanna be back in SG! :( have to wake up early agn tml! go breakfast w 3rd aunt & uncle. then afternoon can eat my favourite Pig Intestine Porridge, whoever came up w the brilliant idea of frying the intestine is a genius ok, shld totally get Nobel Prize. oh yes, gg to try Chendol(haha Junxian don't be jealous) too! wed gg shopping agn! then at night gg to Pasar Malam for dinner! WHOOHOO! oh yea, Bestie is online!! time to talkcocksingsong liao! Sunday, May 16, 2010
5/16/2010 11:42:00 pm
HAHAHHA, SIM JUN XIAN MADE MY DAY. HE THINKS I AM 50KG. YES! HAHAHAHA, WHEN I SAID NO, HE GUESSED 55KG. JUN XIAN IS GNA TO BE MY BEST BEST BEST FRIEND HAHA. Ok, enough of this crap.Had breakfast @ Hai Onn, kway teow teng rocks (: ate Ngoh Hiang too! I love it! :D super duper full! went to Gurney Plaza after tt, bought sth! Oh yeah! Bought a white&blue hoodie (: after tt went for afternoon tea @ 1926 Hotel. check out my cousin blog for some of the pics BECAUSE II DUN HAVE MY BLOODY CAMERA W ME. sucks. Ate Chicken Pie, Fried Popiah, Inche Kaybin(just fried chicken), Curry Puffs & Noodles. Yums (: went home then I slept. Frigging headache killed me, bloody hell. out for dinner @ Relau @ 7pm w Ben & family. BEN IS LIKE ANAL SEX, HE IS SUCH A PAIN IN THE ASS OK. Damn kid, freaking noisy. When Ken was telling me on fri night how irritating Ben is, I was like telling him not be to mean to a young innocent kid, now I take back my words. BEN IS NOT AN ORDINARY KID. ate chicken feet noodles w mushrooms (: my cousin act kind ordered fried icecream, jitao I dun take vanilla is nt a joke. HMPFT. anw came back and rested :D just had supper my cousin. HE COOKED NICE NOODLES FOR ME. Super expensive, given tt it's 1SGD per packet? high class maggie mee! :D slurps, burps!!! :D I miss SG :( and Bestie, don't be emo anymore! I love you k! (: BAO BAO! nth here -
5/16/2010 04:36:00 pm
I have been thinking a lot about love. I hate this feeling of being in love, you want to open up and show your love, yet you're afraid that he/she might not reciprocate your love. I know all of us have felt this way @ some pt on time in our life.. and we nvr quite know hw to get this shit feeling away. For those who have let their love slipped by, they now encourage others to go for what they want, beliving that it's better to try and fail than to not try at all and regret later, thking of the "what ifs".. the crux of the matter is, when you give advice to others, have you rlly considered their situation? It's not all about just going forth and neglecting everything else, or is it? Love can be reckless but you have to pay for the consequences. I like the feeling of being able to love, to want to love someone, to want to give your best & treat somebody nice but above all these pros, there are down sides to love. Not all love is accepted by the society. By that I mean same-sex love. I never quite get what is wrong about it, neither do I have the right to say that it should be approved. I however, accept it. I salute those who stand out (step out of the closet) and declare themselves homo, just to express their love to their partners openly. Nice effort rlly. Also, society don't seem to accept may-december love, although they are slowly warming to it. I just dun uds why we want to set barriers for love, restrict people the right to choose what they want. Love is not a need, it is a want. end of my rants, hope to have more gathered thoughts next time! Saturday, May 15, 2010
Greetings from Penang
5/15/2010 08:24:00 pm
Hey everyone, I just ate dinner :D hehe, very full now! Quite fun in Penang! let me blog in detail (BURPPPPPPP haha)Went to the airport ytd at 7plus, rched abt 8 so I kiasu hurry check in then sit down & read. Botak Wong called me and asked me to check out the staff canteen so I thought why not, might as well... then in the end his plan failed because I lost my way! HAHAHA, anyway when he crept up behind me I got a shock ok, jitao I said before, NOBODY TOUCHES MY SHOULDER! then I turned around & saw Yuxin & Zhengyan. then Junxian & Maegan also popped out. they bought Rochor Daohuay :D WHOOHOO! we went to the staff canteen to eat (: I finally saw the staff canteen! after tt we took ONE PICTURE then I went in. jitao so paiseh I didn't know how to use the auto thing then the person there had to help me :( I saw the rest of them laughing from outsideeeee! MEAN! :( anw I walked to the wrong place, jitao got to ask air stewardess for help! the flight was ok but landing was terrible. AND I BEST, I NEVER TAKE MY LUGGAGE I EXIT HAHAHAHAH, I was like thking why my cousin can get to see me when I haven even collected my luggage HAHAHAHA. what shit. anw they wanted to check the bag I was carrying, like hand carry, thanks to the fishballs my cousin demanded and the apples my mama asked me to bring over. Zzz, I went back to get my luggage then witness some fight btw S & M. a few vulgarities exchanged but quite fierce :( went back to cousin's hse to put down luggage then went for supper! super hungry :( luckily gt surprise visit w daohuay or not DIEZXZX. supper @ Gurney Drive, I ate curry mee & cousin ate seafood sphag. the curry mee made me cry :( super spicy, nearly diedzxzx. then went back to unpack my stuff and bathe. it was like 330 lurh, I read a bit of my story book then went to sleep! woke up @ 1130 this morning, 8hrs of slp is needed for a growing kid haha. ate some kueh for breakfast then went out w cousin & 2nd aunt(nt his mum). dropped aunt off then we went to Pranglin Mall. had lunch @ the usual place! I ate Chee Cheong Fun & Asam Laksa, the Laksa rlly made me cry. TOO SPICY FOR GOOD. best thing today? jitao I bought nth there except my contact lens soln cause v cheap hehe. walked the whole mall like twice but rlly bought nth. in SG is want to spend but no $ now is got $ but nth to spend on, either way it sucks :( went to find cousin when I nearly died of boredomzxzx. we went to Times Square bt nth open yet :( went to the Supermart to get snacks! :D I bought some biscuits & prunes & Vitagen. the Vitagen is too cheap. One bottle like $0.30! Must stock up HAHA. went back home to put down stuff then went out for dinner (: had Hokkien Char for dinner then bought Har Kao for supper ^^ apparently supper started when we rched home HAHAH. couldn't wait! :D started feasting on the fishballs then I brought over. anw my cousin has a wicked sense of humour, although he is damn mean, he is damn funny. I think he can be best friends w Huanqing Coolgirl Yap alrdy! Both of them super mean but super funny. I cnnt wait to go shopping agn tml! (: want to eat moreeeee too. Best news ever, my aunt gave me "pocket $" of 200RM. hehe, I was quite shocked because I thought it was 100RM but she gave 200RM I was like O_O ! I thk I can stop worrying abt getting back gifts, but people eating @ FISH & CO now while I am blogging don't deserve gifts HAHAH. You know who you are. DONT CHOKE ON THE BONES(I hope the magically appear in ur food hehe). Anw I must thank Bff & Bestie once agn. I LOVE THE EARRINGS TT BFF GAVEEEEEEEEEE. cute like no motherrrrr, I love Bunny's leg cause it can moveeeee, and I love the LOLLIPOP earrrring, so cutezxzx. lolli lolli oh lollipop! (: the 2 crowns also damn cute, need I emphasise further? I AM QUEEN, PUNCH YOU! :p Bestie is kaopehing me online now, because I ditch her for 6days :( I miss everyone in SG. and I miss my MISSING CAMERA. Argh. Damn it. Thursday, May 13, 2010
Sj is back!!!!
5/13/2010 02:14:00 am
Omg i tlly saw Sj's newsong! AWESOME TTM. whoever told Leeteuk to drop the shirt inside his blazer is EVER MORE AWESOME. double whoo! so happy right now(Na Na Na).http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tSOSxwEWFA4 (: BONAMANA Wednesday, May 12, 2010
change of plans
5/12/2010 10:36:00 pm
had a gr8 day w bestie & christina(banana) @ Bugis Street! Both of them picked up loads of clothes :D so happy for them! I am gg to Penang to grab stuff too, heh heh.anw I used this line today, thought of it long ago but used it today.. "You don't have to understand the situation to be understanding" and the zhong dian now is I am watching My Queen. gna cry agn! cried on Mon & Tues :( i got to give my eyes A BREAK :( My fav worship song for now!
5/12/2010 12:25:00 am
At your name I see the enemy fleeingI see the lonely finding home in your arms At your name I know the heartache is over I know the rest that I seek is at the cross We'll see sight for the blind eyes and hope for the broken lives, and breath in the lungs of the weak We'll see sight for the blind eyes and hope for the broken lives, As we stand in Your name Jesus, be glorified in the earth Be glorified in the earth Jesus your name be glorified You conquered the grave, Now my debt is erased, You rule, You reign, Forever, Forever Tuesday, May 11, 2010
the proper post
5/11/2010 12:33:00 am
shit, it's officially tuesday now! I am leaving on friday night :(I think I am gg to be home sick :( :( :( :( was looking forward to Penang but seems like there's a lot more to it. anyway funny thing @ cousin's housewarming Wq was leaving then he was supposed to escort my mum cause my mum damn blur then my mum down there act one paiseh say dunnid, so I said: "aiyah, he gg Pak-tor lah" then machiam free lidat everyone asked him faster leave HAHAHAH, saboh plan succeed. but Wq jitao push to me say he will get married after me, my cousin forgot he is 34 and I am 19 HAHAHAH. I more pro, I push to my other cousin who is 18. Nice one. actually in Tay's family, got 5 more to go, including me. I am like the 2nd youngest. shld let the 3 guys go first! :D CHATTING W BESTIE NOW. I LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUu hehe. Sunday, May 09, 2010
Mother's Day
5/09/2010 10:09:00 pm
Happy Mothers' Day to all!went cousin's hse 4 housewarming. wasn't tt bad :\ met bestie to go Anchorpoint, Qw Shppng Center & Ikea. bought sth from Ikea, BEST DEAL EVER. Saturday, May 08, 2010
Eve of Mother's Day
5/08/2010 11:56:00 pm
I cried 4 times today1st time, quarreled w mum b4 I left the hse, was so pissed by the moment I left I cried :( 2nd time, cried because I don't see why badthings shld happen to gd people like ***. 3rd time I cried in svc because I felt touched by God (: super happy ^^ (ok the ^^ was so ghey) 4th time I cried because I saw my dad in pain. Friday, May 07, 2010
5/07/2010 11:39:00 pm
Maggie w egg for breakfastGreen Bean Soup for lunch plus CHIPSSSSS Noodles for dinner ROCHOR DAOHUAY 4 SUPPER, thanks Yuxin & Maegan, made my day! OK YUXIN DUN KAOPEH TT I DUN BLOG ANYMORE. BUGGGGGGER HAHA Wednesday, May 05, 2010
Waste Of My Life
5/05/2010 11:08:00 pm
I hate myself for wasting my precious Wednesday away, today shall be the last day.Main pt is I made Yam Paste today, I am so loving it! Going to make some again w Ting&Abel (: Thanks Bestie for hearing me rant today, I appreciate it. Guess we're kinda in the same boat :( Oh well, life sucks but it's ok, we'll get through. See you tml for Astons! I'm thking of catching a movie before meeting Bestie tml! Just that I can't settle on anything :( urgh sucks :( Glad tt I managed to watch some movies, all credits to Mummy (: and thanks mum for being here for me today, although physically you're in China, hah. You're the best! 1. Couples Retreat 2. 50 First Dates 3. Bruce Almighty 4. What Women Wants 5. The Holiday Back to my movies! :D I hate being lost..
5/05/2010 02:02:00 am
I have been to the Double Helix Bridge, it's nt completely done but it looks alright. Walked up and down thrice alone, like so retarded I know :\ it's kinda B-E-A-Utiful.I have been to Rochor Daohuay agn! Damn it, I missed it so much, haven ate it for 253564424253days. ate w Mel (: my new favourite hangout is Popular @ Bras Basah Complex! spent a long time there reading! I am gg to invest in some cookery books! I want to bake CUPCAKES & CHEESECAKES in May! and I am gg to make Yam Paste Dessert today, pronounced as Or Nee :D gg to the market ltr to grab ingredients! Auntie Xueting strikes again! super excited because if I succeed, I can make for Ting&Abel to eat, our favouriteeee!! meeting Bestie for lunch @ SSC Astons tml! YEAH YEAH COME CON ME ON MY 100$ :P watched My Queen just now and kinda teared, tooooo emo :( Be dead & rise from the dead. Monday, May 03, 2010
:@ :@ :@ :@
5/03/2010 11:41:00 pm
50 First Dates
5/02/2010 10:01:00 pm
Boy: what do you want me to do? be some stupid chapter in your scrapbook and then get going my way? Girl: no, my plan is to erase you completely, it is as if you have never existed
It's not just a name
5/02/2010 08:41:00 pm
I want to be Tay Suet Theng, not Tay Xue Ting or Xueting Deifonid.
The (OWN)er
09 Apr 1991madly_in_love_4eva@hotmail.com pls do not laugh at my email :( 回到过去
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hehe haha hoho