敗 犬 |
I found your fingerprints on my shattered heart. I'm a lousy spider, entangled in a love web. Love is an addiction I can't quit. Love isn't a science, you can't calculate the feelings. Can a once in a lifetime love find a second chance? Sometimes when you love someone you gotta forget your own happiness. And remember theirs. When love and determination work together, expect a masterpiece. |
Monday, August 31, 2009
8/31/2009 09:26:00 pm
whoo found a suitable christian name liao (:The Meaning of the name Tiffany The meaning of the name Tiffany is as follows: Appearance/Manifestation of a God mood status: satisfied (: oh shit guilty
8/31/2009 09:16:00 pm
omg so guilty for nt gg back to amkssss!arghhhhhhh! hw could I forget ): gt taggggged by michelle in fb she tag me as some part of the school haha. and she is so prettttttttttttttttty now! like she has always been petite. but she is LIKE REALLLLY DAMN PRETTY NOW. skinnny but yea HELL PRETTY AND HOT! like ok, LEAN is the right word! gosh, should have realised this in sec 4! haha and she has braces too WHOO! saw her pics w liwen, ok liwen dunnid to mention.. sheh as always beeen pretty. like one of the prettiest in our class. she has this v angelic look!! and ok la, she has nvr been evil to any1 I think. ahh I miss amkss4/4 07 ); I SHALL GO BACK TO AMK ON FRI! YES MAN! YAY NYAA AWARD WINNNER (:
8/31/2009 09:02:00 pm
Dear JC2 students, This email is to prepare you for what is going to come up in the near future. There might be a briefing for GAHA (Gold Award Holders Alumni) on the 22nd Sep 2009 in the afternoon, at LT1, immediately after you come back from the examination period. This briefing will take about 1 hour in CJC LT1 so as to get you to understand the operations of GAHA as a future winner of NYAA (Gold). Another date that you must take note of is the 2 October (pm), where you will be going to Temasek Polytechnic, where you will receive the NYAA award. Official letters will be sent out to you from the NYAA council in the near future (2 to 3 weeks time). Well done for your participation in the NYAA programme. Mr Tan Hoe Teckapparently this award quite big deal! can help in university entry! till now I dun see its significance la but.. whatever!! can get the award from PRESIDENT himself, or = !! how cool is tt (: okay JC rlly gives people opportunities to shine. hope my parents WILL BOTHER TO TURN UP. like honestly. my council installation my mum din even wna take leave. my dad went reluctantly and left early ): they dun rlly care, as long as its not academic achievement, whatever I do is shit to them. I feel like asking my parents: do you know I hosted the school's chinese new year concert this year? do you know I took part in SYF chinese drama do you know I acted in syf presents (which of course you wont bother to come and watch) do you know I am a HOD in council do you know how much I yearn for your attention and care argh, sucks ): chongloooon was super happy today cause he saw his eye candy! so cute horrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. and eye candy reminded me of a particular singer! ok random but I must say tt I am in love with Jam Hsiao again! (: his voice the power. and back to today. had maths and chem consultation! thanks to hy who shared his slot w me. and it was productive SURPRISINGLY. thats Y i never believed in group consultations. can tell he was rather upset because his slot was taken up ): if it was me I will be damn pissed bah. but zhong dian is hy has no temper hah! and quite happy went form aths consultation. JUST REALISED I HAVEN FINISH STUDYING MATHS! I am mother cui lor ): but nvm JIAYOU XT! nt gg to study gp ): no time and duno what to study! ): screw my language, nt guna care. I NEEEED HELP BADLY FOR CHEMISTRY! CHEM IS TRY. try and get wrong ): but I am gg to love CHEM LECT because because because.... hehe. ok wna sleep alrdy! yawns! choice
8/31/2009 12:27:00 am
it is scary how we all hold the key to someone's happinessand we just keep the key to ourselves alot of things gt me thinking. maybe I am just paranoid ): dun rlly wna say anything to anyone. because no one is rlllllly worth it. I am always ready to listen but talk? nah. and i am so emo now i have to force myself to listen to happppy songs. urgh, I am rllllly emo ): v tired probably cause sunday was too busy. wanted to slp so much after svc but went for the baptism anyway. I look like a dead corpse. soewli told me abt nov's baptism it's nt tt I dun wna be baptised but I dun thk I am ready like I dun wan to just get baptised because I fell tt its sth I want. I wanna feel as if its sth special ever since JC, there are so many things I wanted and I got them all but none of them rlly made me happy. I dunwan my baptism to be just doing sth for the sake of doing. I want to be ready. and know that it is what I want. because I believe baptism should be special? it bears a special meaning in every christian's walk with God. it's a new birth. going to consider about it. I don't mind waiting until I am ready. no point in rushing because I want to be in the season. yup, shall call seowli and talk to her abt it ltr (: Sunday, August 30, 2009
damn emo over some things
8/30/2009 02:34:00 am
sometimes I wish things were simple.like NOT COMPLEX, like reduced to the simplest fraction. and the answer will be so clear, to me and everyone else. anw to chong.. I think I am white because I am selfish. I am not willing to give up either you-know-what. and it sucks to know that I am such an idiot somehow or another, I admire you for making up your mind. I SALUTE YOU (: and kinda emo over sth.. I think what Chong said made sense.. its easy to hold a bowl of salad, but hard to hold a hamburger. OK HE INDIRECTLY SAY I FAT BUT NVM ): i should reflect. went to ** blog.. glad to know tt you're happily in love, congrats. went to ** fb.. shocked to see that you're attached, but whatever! congrats anyway.. watched BOF agn. DARN DARN DARN SAD LURH. what crap la. its damn mother tears inducing can. URGH. it will only end during october. those lagging aunties that haven watched the ending will need hell lot of tissue. i dun care. haha i had my fair share of tears!! SALTY TEARS! spamming emo songs now. LIFE FREAKING SUCKS count down to hell 3 days! and special credits to Huanqing. haha I was on the way to buying william cake then I called her and her immediate response was "ya la i at home. want me call you right" HAHA SO NOW WNA ACT KNOW ME V WELL LA =p but you do (: we might work tgt during dec holidays for MQ! yay so yup, I cant wait to spend time with you. and yes we are gg to have CRAB BEEHOON to celebrate your birthday okay!!! (: I will booook you so dont worry (: just dont be too busy for me :P can totally count down tgt with you for your birthday!! INVITE ME FOR STAYOVER K? MUACKS MUACKS. Saturday, August 29, 2009
a maths romance
8/29/2009 10:12:00 am
They integrated from the very point of origin. Her curves were continuous, and even though he was odd, he was a real number. The day their lines first intersected, they became an ordered pair. From then on it was a continuous function. They were both in their prime, so in next to no time they were horizontal and parallel. She was awed by the magnitude of his perpendicular line, and he was amazed by her conical projections. "Bisect my angle!" she postulated each time she reached her local maximum. He taught her the chain rule as she implicitly defined the amplitude of his simple harmonic motion. They underwent multiple rotations of their axes, until at last they reached the vertex, the critical point, their finite limit. After that they slept like logs. Later she found him taking a right-handed limit, that was a problem, because it was an improper form. He meanwhile had realized that she was irrational, not to mention square. She approached her ex, so they diverged. MEOW
8/29/2009 10:00:00 am
dunno what to say about yesterday..shall type random words related to emotions which I felt ytd grief anger lost fear unsure abandoned happy tired sick of life loved thankful guilty i'm not being obtuse, but you're acute girl. so cute la that pick up line (: Thursday, August 27, 2009
happy (:
8/27/2009 10:56:00 pm
super duper happpppy today! but thats not the POINT. the point is I AM HAPPY. ah I am not making sense. temporary happiness is having you by my side for a while permanent melancholy is knowing this temporary happiness is temporary watching some show now. 命中注定我爱你 wahlau that girl inside too nice alrdy :\ makes me feel as if i am some rotten shit ): but the point is this is fiction! FICTION = FAKE so I dun have to feeeel bad. shi jie shang where got so hao de ren one :\ anw I am traumatized by the night study gang. THEY EVERY NIGHT PUT BAD THOUGHT INSIDE MY MIND. haha, I will nvr look at bananas the same way :\ imisssomeone (: Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Responding to Verbal Abuse
8/25/2009 12:18:00 am
If the person you are closest to habitually, verbally abuses you and dismisses your feelings, you will begin to see yourself and your needs as unimportant, of little consequence and irrelevant. When you finally recognize and come to terms with the idea that you are being verbally abused you need to also become focused on getting help. Here are some steps you can take if faced with verbal abuse:
Verbal abuse can leave lasting scars
8/25/2009 12:17:00 am
"Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never harm me" -- African ProverbMost of us were probably taught that little chant when we were fairly young. Words can't hurt. Ignore them. Let them slide off your back. Maybe one of your parents repeated them to you when you came home in tears because someone in school called you "fatso," or "stupid," or "fag." Maybe the incident, which may have been one of many, was brushed off as "just kid's play," nothing to be concerned about. And so the next time you just hung your head and kept on going, maybe with that little chant playing in your mind. If you had gone home with scratches and bruises from sticks and stones you might have returned to school the next day accompanied by an indignant parent. The kid who hurt you may have been reprimanded. Your injury wouldn't have been too trivial to ignore. And that's the difference between the damage caused by physical abuse, which leaves visible marks, and verbal abuse, which marks the victim on the inside. Unlike the marks of physical abuse which will heal, the damage from verbal abuse can compound to cause serious emotional damage to its victim. Anger, depression, and low self-esteem can be products of verbal abuse. And they can last a lifetime. But not every hurtful word will cause the same type of pain. Something said by a stranger won't have nearly the effect as the same thing said by someone you trust, someone you love, someone you want to please, someone you want to like you—a parent, your spouse, a best friend, an employer. Because the words come from someone you respect you take them to heart and begin to believe they're true. You must be worthless. You must be stupid. They're only words but they're said by somone who knows just which words to use and in what tone to cause you the most pain. And when you hear them said enough times, it becomes easier to believe they're true. You're worthless and stupid. The most calculating verbal abusers may be friendly and charming to most of the people who know them. Most abusers won't hurl their hurtful words at you when witnesses are around, they will wait until it's just the two of you before unleashing yet more words meant to damage. Living with a verbal abuser keeps you off-balance. They can be extremely pleasant one minute and bitingly vicious the next. They may lash out in anger or refuse to speak to you for days on end until you don't know which is worse, the words or the silence. Either way, it's all your fault. You deserved whatever treatment you got. Who could possibly be expected to love someone as insignificant and inferior as you? Verbal abuse will cause you to doubt yourself, your abilities, your own judgment. Verbal abuse will make you feel insecure and vulnerable, powerless and depressed. No matter how much you try to please, nothing you do will ever be enough to stop the abuse. My first marriage was extremely abusive but it wasn't until I got away from it I realized just how abusive it really was. There were never any bruises, or black eyes, or broken arms. The abuse built up over the years, wrapping around me like heavy chains. When I finally got the courage to walk out of my first marriage it was as though I'd been freed from solitary confinement. If you're being verbally abused, get help. Call an abuse hotline or join a support group. Get counseling to help uncover and heal the scars. If the wounds are deep enough, they may stay with you for life, but you don't have to stay in an abusive relationship for life, even if it requires distancing yourself from an abusive parent or divorcing an abusive spouse. If only healing from verbal abuse was as easy as healing from the damage of sticks and stones. Monday, August 24, 2009
my fault
8/24/2009 11:49:00 pm
had an OKAY day in sch (:i think prelims drive people mad. and then make me crazy too. i feel v bad for what i sms chong this morning. it is as good as gossiping, backstabbing. i cannot control what I feel but I can control what I say so I am nt gg to say how I feel anymore. cause it wont make the feeling go away. and yes, I still believe that the moment I open up myself to anyone, I am vulnerable. and I am not gg to do that. thats why I always build a wall around my heart. so that no one can come close enough to hurt me, be it with their words or actions I never share my ambition with anyone I mean I share those superficial ones, so thats like quite common I don't think I have ever told anyone about what I really want in life. because seriously no one is really worth it right. only I need to know, because I hold thefuture in my hands and God knows, He knows because He placed that dream inside of me. so if ANYONE by ANY CHANCE can get me to tell you about what I REALLY WANT note: REALLLLLLY WANT then you can be sure you're someone REALLLLLY SPECIAL. ok this shldn't be an emo post. maybe I am just affected. anw had DOUBLE GP today. what shit. I fell asleep whiledoing tt paper won't be surprised if I fail. AND I NEH FINISH THE PAPER ): shld totally stop slping while doing papers BAD BAD BAD HABIT! and then break ate YTF (: OMG SOME DISGUSTING IDIOT SPOILT MY BREAK TIME APPETITE LA idiot: eh ousten can I cut your queue? ousten: no? (I was like about to kaopeh if he rlly cut my queue) idiot: F YOU (omg he said it damn loudly and point middle finger someone, GROSS) ok then when to eat and listened to some song dedication. I WNA DEDICATE SORRY SORRY TO ALL MY TCHERS sry that you have me as a student sry that I always neh do my work sry that I neh pay attn sry that I always slp in lectures/tutorials sry that I get lousy grades but the joke is the SRY SRY by SJ abit cool only. and imagine the whole canteen dance I THK I WILL CNNT TAKE IT shld totally have it for next yr's mass dance (: and back to class for bio tut. I THINK MR YEOW CRIED IN CLASS TODAY ): IDK MAN! but he is just tired I guess.. then econs lect. omg I fell aslp (ok, nth new) then biology lecture with Mr YEOW and then photo taking for council. OKAY I DUNO WTH IS WRNG W ME. I admit I din wan to pin up my hair. BUT LIKE WTH LEONG CHUN KEONG SAID MY HAIR OK. nat had to kaopeh me. sorry lor, I HOD mah, you VP you win. I MUST FOLLOW INSTRUCTIONS FROM YOU, MR LEONG IS NTH. YOUR INSTRUCTIONS MORE SUPERIOR THAN MR LEONG. sry lor. what shit. and yea I thk I just bad mooooood ever since some stuff happen. I dun even have the right to be angry or what. but its just tt I just cannot stand some people ): urgh, make my blooooood boil. and then just thking abt some stuff while I bathed. firstly must thank guohao and chong. cause I was just walking back w foodthen alvin saw me and just said "FAT SHIT" then on the way home, chong told me that both him and gh tell alvin not to call me fat. I must admit before I bathed I was quite upset. but I realised it is not even his fault. if I am not fat he wouldn't have said that. I should freaking repent instead of blaming others for pointing out my mistakes I should wake up and return to reality. if I am fat, then I AM FAT. I shld stop escaping reality. the problem has been there, just that no one pointed it out. because no one wants to hurt Xueting. because everyone is afraid to turn on the unstoppable water tap. ok so now someone has come to my door and knocked on it to wake me up I should wake up and stop feeling bitter. efil etah I. wercs ti. yltsenoh. DAMN SIAN DUN WNA GO SCH. DUNWAN GO ANYWHR. WNA STAY AT HOME AND EMO. and cut my wrist. and cut it all the way so deep. I am nt supposed to be emo. OK I ADMIT I AM DAMN AFFECTED. ARGHHHHHHHHHHH. ffjuighisgwy24[ rwfgwwwlfwlfw F wtyey46u5uhfdgsf ejyk 68lthD Dhtrjry j5jykiultherjldty WRtw4t234tw34fwopif 2nthjbhuhejghsjlwh rptl5kws;.fjwr;gh35hyiwrlj g.wrjgl;wr yh3l;g ksghklwrghwrklgja;gw gjlwhgi wigtwrigosfgtwuiogtiu34gt95y towrfjkadksbethj3;pyu249[pghasvwhip24lptyp lwfhwg wrgwifwuiog i2gtowgr2opry2oow4t ok banging of keyboard din help. SCREW IT. I DUN GIVE A F ANYMORE. I NEVER DID. Saturday, August 22, 2009
Taeyeon - If
8/22/2009 09:07:00 am
If I should go, should I go close to you? How would you think about it? so I am fallen-heartened. If you should leave, should you leave me? How could I let you leave? continuously I am scared. the reason that I ,Being fool, am only but watching you from a distance is because maybe I am worried about your heart probably to turn my feeling away and so becoming more alienated between us the reason that I ,Being really fool, cannot say 'I love you' is because maybe I am afraid of the pain and the saddening days expected after falling in with you If you should come, should you come to me? How I should do? really I have no idea. the reason that I ,Being fool, am only but watching you from a distance is because maybe I am worried about your heart probably to turn my feeling away and so becoming more alienated between us the reason that I ,Being really fool, cannot say 'I love you' is because maybe I am afraid of the pain and the saddening days expected after falling in with you the reason that I ,Being fool, cannot say 'I love you' is because maybe I am afraid of the pain and the saddening days expected after falling in with you
Thursday, August 20, 2009
8/20/2009 11:06:00 pm
8/20/2009 12:44:00 am
this is supposed to be a WEDNESDAY POSTjust finished talking to Bro Chong (: stupid xiaodi wna go toilet but scared ask me call him :\ ok la my fault i said "orphan" to the timid bitch :P told xiaodi what I told Kwan :\ must thank for listening to my grumbles when she is having prelims like TODAY sorry girl, treat you mee hoon kway sooon (: OK I AM ANNOYED BY YOU! I MUST ADMIT OKOKOKOKOK like wth, I KNOW I AM INADEQUATE BUT I WAS TRYING TO HELP i have nvr offered my help to anyone unless they ask me CAUSE I KNOW I M NOT SMART I AM NOT LIKE THE TOP IN CLASS but I just wanted you to know tt you can come to me for help whenever you want, whenever you need. all I wanted was for you to know that THERE IS SOMEONE YOU CAN TURN TO there is someone who will try her best to get all the concepts right just to help YOU. because you are SPECIAL AND BECAUSE YOU MEAN ALOT to her. and yet all I got was a sarcastic comment. yea thanks, you just crushed me and my heart together. ok I am done w being upset. NOTHING IS GG TO CHANGE ANYWAY. you can stay in your own perfect little circle. I am not gg to disrupt your happiness equilibrium. for a matter of fact, I have 2 choices now 1. leave you, abandon you, watch you die bit and bit and regret your actions 2. continue to watch over you silently and make sure things go well for you ok I am gg to choose 2. no way am I gg to let you die. at least not before I do. ): miss you HOW THE HELL DID YOU MANAGE TO CREEP INTO MY HEART AND LOCK IT WITH A KEY, AND THAT KEY IS YOU. Tuesday, August 18, 2009
命中注定我爱你 - 片尾曲
8/18/2009 12:04:00 am
吴忠明:一天一天贴近你的心 你开心 我关心元若蓝:一点一滴我都能感应 你是我最美的相信 吴忠明:等不到双子座流星雨 撒满天际 元若蓝:新点燃九支仙女棒代替 吴忠明:最灿烂不一定要许多钻石黄金 吴忠明+元若蓝:看你眼睛有幸福的倒影 元若蓝:把你的讨厌转几遍送到天边 吴忠明:平凡的傻事用了心变成经典 吴忠明+元若蓝:最浪漫的心愿便利贴 贴成无限 就是我们最富有的宣言 吴忠明:把你的喜欢每一天复习两遍 元若蓝:惊喜的语言我的天通通灵验 吴忠明+元若蓝:你和我的心愿便利贴 贴心里面 收集感动 给以后怀念 吴忠明:等不到双子座流星雨 撒满天际 元若蓝:新点燃九支仙女棒代替 吴忠明:最灿烂不一定要许多钻石黄金 吴忠明+元若蓝:看你眼睛有幸福的倒影 元若蓝:把你的讨厌转几遍送到天边 吴忠明:平凡的傻事用了心变成经典 吴忠明+元若蓝:最浪漫的心愿便利贴 贴成无限 就是我们最富有的宣言 吴忠明:把你的喜欢每一天复习两遍 元若蓝:惊喜的语言我的天通通灵验 吴忠明+元若蓝:你和我的心愿便利贴 贴心里面 收集感动 给以后怀念 元若蓝:嗒嗒啦 嗒嗒啦 嗒 嗒 啦 吴忠明:嗒 啦啦啦(元若蓝:嗒 嗒啦) 吴忠明:嗒 啦啦啦(元若蓝:嗒 嗒啦) 元若蓝:把你的讨厌转几遍送到天边 吴忠明:平凡的傻事用了心变成经典 吴忠明+元若蓝:最浪漫的心愿便利贴 贴成无限 就是我们最富有的宣言 吴忠明+元若蓝:把你的喜欢每一天复习两遍 惊喜的语言都为你提早灵验 吴忠明+元若蓝:你和我的心愿便利贴 贴心里面 收集感动 给以后怀念 元若蓝:一天一天贴近你的心 吴忠明:一点一滴我都能感应 吴忠明+元若蓝:你是最美的相信 omg the song damn sweet ): had night study today! best night study ever (: i think CB damnnnnn cute! HAHA anw YOU cheer up okay? (: i know u put in effort to study! dun let what the tcher said affect you. i m sure you will do well (: its just one maths test! you'll buck up and do so much better ok i will keep cheering you on from wherever I am! so you dont ever give up alright? -hugs and kisses for you, and only you- anw this song is the EMO http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ne-0GjervqI if you have a heart, you will cry ): Sunday, August 16, 2009
8/16/2009 08:07:00 pm
happy birthday isaac and ryan (:whoo! had SOT GRAD SVC today then went lunch w cg and then study (: THANKS YISHI FOR BEING SUCH A GD TCHER thank you for your time thank you for your handwritten notes thank you for ur photostated notesthank you for subsidising me for the photostated notes (in other words, thanks for being a gd govt) thank you for being my bff (: XT NEEDS TO KNOW TT THERE ARE ONLY 2 WEEKS LEFT TO PRELIMS. life sucks 情非得已 is such a nice song (: the lyrics rlly describes how i feel. esp today.. today!! today!! only bff knows why ): but i shalln't thk anymore. its wrong ): Saturday, August 15, 2009
sth meaningful..
8/15/2009 01:22:00 am
"i liked you, and i guess a part of me still does"so sweet, for of course if sum1 annoying says it to you then abit ZZZ. but if sumone you like say it to you.. then it will be damn sweet (: cg at my hse ltr! furniture shifting agn!! ): i wanna watch THE FINAL DESTINATION AND THE PROPOSAL. totally guna watch it with EBC ebc is not just a club, it's a family (: LIFE ROCKS W EBC. ONE MORE DAY TP VP/BF BDAE! heh Friday, August 14, 2009
ebc outing to celebrate vp's bdae (:
8/14/2009 11:59:00 pm
sch sucks sch sucksmaths tut sucked. bio tut sucked!! econs dont suck (: cause i slept (: miss lioe wanted me to ans a qns on the board, i told her i dunno what to do.. then she told me the ans and asked me to write on the board :\ gp rather boring!! but econs test worse.. I SLEPT THRUOUT :\ then went for chem enrichment. jitao too tough! and ZZZ i dun uds at ALL. basket! after tt went meet bff to get ryan's balloooooon! so cutezzxxzzxx spongebob and patrick (: then went to watch MOVIE. ORPHAN DAMN SCARY. and watch w ryan damn scary. he the HUMJI :\ the show brought out the hujidity in all of us. THERE IS STH WRONG W ESTHER. honestly :\ haha. JOHN AND KATE!! hehheh :\ nights. i m tired. IRIS SERVICE FROM SBS SUCKS Thursday, August 13, 2009
nt meant to be
8/13/2009 11:18:00 pm
it wasn't meant to be like this.. i wasn't meant to fall in love w you.
sucks sucks sucks. LIFE FRIGGING SUCKS :( i think today bio was fun. the lecture was great! i listened and i din slp for the entire hour. because.. because.. because the lesson is so interesting (: then the rest is not impt AT ALL :P back to emo post. quite alot of unhappy things today. just wna say sth abt someone :\ why cant you admit tt u like him? it is not as if nobody thinks tt you like him. you just refuse to own up. you want to lie to everyone around you, and yes, lie to yourself. you suck. BE HONEST. listening to 說好的幸福呢 nao sucks to be me. the song is super sad ): WHXN Monday, August 10, 2009
joshua attempt to flirt w me on msn!
8/10/2009 06:37:00 pm
![]() Sunday, August 09, 2009
8/09/2009 11:55:00 pm
went svc today! with bff (:then svc was quite funny i guess!! :D taiwan taiwan!! HAHA. AFTER SVC EAT W EBC, WILL AND JUS! yummy food and t3. I think MACS is a gd way to build f/s (: HAHA EBC TODS WAS AWESOME (: i will miss today cause today is the last day I will lie to myself i lied to myself for 1yr and 7mths I am gg to stop lying to myself and you. since I said whatever I said, I will make sure its true. the end XOXO (: hi special
8/09/2009 02:54:00 am
thought abt sth while bathing just nowjust realised though I have nvr really said this to you I must admit you are rlly special. cause.. I told you sth which I nvr told anyone in my entire life. not even my parents. because they're nt willing to listen but you listened I haven rlly shared w anyone because I felt that they will never understand its amazing how I can be so open and vulnerable to you. I guess it is because I know you'll never hurt me thanks for being here for me (: I am here for you too, my love for you never expires (: and oh btw, Happy National Day Singapore. Thursday, August 06, 2009
): i miss you
8/06/2009 07:56:00 pm
haven seen you for damn long ):be back soon please..
anw today sch ened at 5 plus lo. wth bio test was OK la. i passed but obviously is mian qiang kind :\ but whatever. I NEH STUDY WHAT U EXPECT :\ haha, but the point is I FREAKING SUCK LA. gt a few qns i do at least 5 or 6 times le still wrong. SIANS :\ the only gd thg today.. I CHANGED MY BRACES COLOUR (: RED N WHITE. I LOVE SG. oh and I am in the A* Maths programme. supposedly the BETTER band din know u just get 52/100 for mid yrs can be in better band alrdy (: i was like asking mr lim "is this a joke?" WTH LA. intensive maths liao. XT MUST JIAYOU FOR MATHS my only glimpse of hope :\ watched a few hrs of youtube. I am happy nao (: xt guna watch tv liao! YAY Wednesday, August 05, 2009
the emo songs tt make u happy
8/05/2009 11:41:00 pm
damn emo now.there is bio tets ltr n i haven touched bio at all. suck la. plus ltr need wake up at 6 to go sch gg pei tyas run her 2.4!! she is guna pass (: and gg for dentel ltr. wth la. freaking dental timing sucks. LIKE FREAKING SUCKS. just freaking die la. waste my time. anw ytd was relatively fun. last pe session of the yr alrdy! ran with tyas but she din pass ): then played frisbee with some of the class, quite fun (: alot of funny things happened OMG BOF ADV NAO. i miss watching bof. SO DAMN NAISE LA PLS. yung ji hoo so sweet to guem jan di but gu jun pyo still won her heart (: thking of sum1 nao ): hurry recover and come back to school because I MISS YOU much (: I m getting sleepy ): WANNA SCOLD SOMEONE THOUGH. you're such a loser. you cant even do ur standing broad jump properly. all you do is fall down and cry and fall down again. do you ever learn? all you want is ur classmates to cheer you, but you never put in effort to practice and jump. all you can do is whine at the teacher when you can't clear the jump, can you wake up and realise it is your own doing? did mr ha not ask you to run so that you can shed some weight and jump further. did your classmates not ask you to practice jumping? yet all you do is dread pe lessons due to fear of failure, shouldn't you just face the problem and tackle it? why the hell are you SO DAMN USELESS when you are already 18. i look down on you seriously. now that you'vep assed, congrats. you made it. finally, on a tuesday afternoon with that pathetic jump of yours. but guessed what? you're still a loser. you might have passed physically but you failed terribly mentally. YOU LOST THE BATTLE. you gave up right. you wanted to cut yourself, you cried, you gave up. you're so useless, whats the point that you passed once? you gave up in life so easily, you wont amount to anything great. time for you to wake up loser. get a life and hold on to it. learn to be there for others just like how others stood by you. so TAY SUET THENG, get it straight, I hate you very much. Monday, August 03, 2009
for you Jheyehasselleiend
8/03/2009 06:22:00 pm
一直等 一个人 等了很久这一场 独角戏 是很寂寞 春夏秋冬 我的窗口 只有风经过 爱很深 有多深 我也不懂 你走后 我的心 变的脆弱 听一首歌 也觉得痛 但我谁也没有说 右边的座位 右边的枕头 都已经空了那么久 为你守候 那是因为 我已经看透 没有你的爱 这个我只是一半 不哭了 不笑了 为谁努力我也不明白 没有人能取代 一个圆的另一半 我固执 的等待 等风再把你带回来 只有你的微笑能让我心安 只有你的拥抱可以把我填满 只有你手里的那一半钥匙 能把心打开 Sunday, August 02, 2009
emo liao emo liao. joshua's fault !
8/02/2009 10:57:00 pm
再也没人啰唆 提醒熬夜的我烟别抽别喝太多酒 衣服穿够不够 电话紧握在手 却是一阵沉默 无法再给予你关心 竟如此难受 魁 (歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com) 我困惑 那离开的理由 我当初是怎么说出口 n (歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com) 那一些多出来的自由 其实全是寂寞 原来分手竟是失去 一半的我 我不要多出来的自由 不要这种结果 怀念起亲切的问候 你久违的温柔 (歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com) 电话紧握在手 却是一阵沉默 无法再给予你关心 竟如此难受 (歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com) 我困惑 那离开的理由 我当初是怎么说出口 (歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com) 那一些多出来的自由 其实全是寂寞 原来分手竟是失去 一半的我 我不要多出来的自由 不要这种结果 怀念起亲切的问候 你久违的温柔 (歌词转自 音魁网 www.inkui.com) 那一些多出来的自由 一个人的生活 却根本不是我要的 那种快乐 多出来的自由 却没有地方走 无法对你付出以后 我竟不知所措 分手还是 |
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hehe haha hoho