敗 犬 |
I found your fingerprints on my shattered heart. I'm a lousy spider, entangled in a love web. Love is an addiction I can't quit. Love isn't a science, you can't calculate the feelings. Can a once in a lifetime love find a second chance? Sometimes when you love someone you gotta forget your own happiness. And remember theirs. When love and determination work together, expect a masterpiece. |
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
alamak fan =]
8/29/2006 10:37:00 pm
alamak. just returned home. chi bao liao ye bathe liao. YAWNS. cnnt tahan. hen lei siatoday had maths. den amaths i was like ??? i slept leh. den mrs ang gotta wake me up =[ alamak. i bahleh kampong makan jagong. =] there was this moth-thy commotion. alamak. just a moth only. i veh saddist one. think weiting shld know. =] MUAHAHAHAHAHA. so tired. den pe rocks. just slack 2 rounds of running. den can play free games. OH MY! i love CUITING the way she plays is super cute luh. she can hit the feather thing back with cute poses =) ALAMAK. she really very qiang. very very very pro! BUT WO YE BU LAI! =] think badminton is a very fun game. really! and den there was this gao ren vs ai ren. =[ ALAMAK. was me dave renjie agnst cecelia gina jason. obviously we are the ai ren. LOL. jkjk =no offence alright. so great to be playing. den recess chiong to eat. YUMYUM! ate with jolyn and huanqing den english that stupid lailai very pms. alamak. kant stand it. chem rocks like nobody business. =] GEOG EVEN BETTER. den after school is where hell begins me melissa guohao xianneng cybil delwyn jeremy amos renjie ate tgt. den the sushan hor i dunno what xianneng did to her. alamak. she kept on laughing. ALAMAK. so funny loh. den so sian one. eat den go take bus. we kept making fun of cybil say she short. LOL. so bad so bad. den we also say melissa. say we cnnt find her. LOL. that was sad man. den cybil house so big lah. i keep on saying cybil boyfriend was in our midst. LOL. so kajiao. just skip everything. wad ahppen was really RA. tok abt breast. alamak. tok about ALOT OF R21 thing. alamak alamak. amos and delwyn was performing how cheap woman would stuff things inside their breast. i laugh till cnnt. andden xianneng showed us his collection of videos. super wow lah. got me in ccs. alamak. i use my body to block the whole screen. i took pictures of mel and del. HMMMMS. ta qing ma qiao. ALAMAK. so SWEET. lol. nt funny. =[ but really very funny. den we made crowns. alot in fact. i fold till hand pain. renjie amos mel del xianneng they all chiong their maple and stuff. guohao and cybil doing menu. i doing crowns. only we 3 do work. alamak. den we play play. SUPER LAME DE LAH! den we play here play there. den mishap happen. alamk. any. nt impt. i m tired. n i wanna sleep. =] omg. i dislike her. just hope she can be less jian. u know hu u r. alamak. Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Seow Wei Liang must die.
8/23/2006 07:48:00 pm
sat when for showtime.the whole thing sucks i was the one who did the banner. the big big one and the "amk" i stayed back till seven okay. on fri when everyone run off. xianneng and amos also got help la den guess what i sat at the top leh let people hold my banner let people get good view while i crap on top sitting in front of cheesiong and siva siva was kinda cute lah but anw amkss got the lousiest results sad case please. =[ wadever. sian loh. den went to pasar malam with joyce xinyu sushan peiyi. den peiyi and i take train home she wait with me for bus =] THANKS PUPPIIE i give u long legs. lol sun had service. dr ar bernard is good okay just when i reach home, i can use his message during service to share with huanqing. its like super WHOA kinda thing =] AHHHHH. monday... maths is okay. i think 34 drove deepa mad during cme. chinese just waste time. geog worse. ismail keep kaopeh =[ recess very kelian. nth to eat. =[ phy was fun. poor renjie. and the ANNA. dne renjie nvr do anything. den xianneng downthere euhao euhao. den i was like speechless. ss anantha was nice la. not bad sia. den my group did the rap. SO NOT FUNNY =| after school bio test. haihai. will pass. maybe get 25/30? -fat hope- but i hope can. =] tues. maths rocks. hope maths never stop. lalalas. but anw. hate pe loh. rather 4 periods of maths. but coem to think of it. i did enjoy pe. until 2 idiots called xianneg and delwyn came. spoil my badmonton game i realise badminton is kinda fun =] jiayu and cybil rocks just wanna say thks to grace lah. and liwen. so gay. =\ i cry halfway seh suddenly lame. den i jiu laugh loh weds. there is gunna b sg idol tonight =| jonathan. houhou- SO COOL! anw. chinese was fun me and bimbo had a gala of time discussing abt salad thing hehe =] our salad damn cool one orhkay. its so fun please den kajiao wang lan ni den maths. i was so happy mrs ang confiscated delwyn's fone! excited =] w800i big deal den recess. highlight of the day again stupid weiliang come kajiao me agn he say me and kelly okay nvm give him chance apologise he dunwan wahlau eh. pls la give u chance u dunwan obvious is want fight DEN COME ON den i chase him till 32 that humji kai dun dare come out den wadever loh humji kia i not afraid u afraid den nvm i spoiled 2 window frame of 32. i was like very siasway den euhao walk pass den i cnnt let him see that i fight so i hide inside. den weiting they all lock me there. =[ den i pour everything from weiliang's bag =) HOORAY. den weiliang the humji nt happy go our class wanna do e same copy cat thx cybil 4 stopping him den benjamin pass him broom he want use broom beat me i gt e other broom beat him he scared. the broom chip off abit see. think skin. -.- den i ran to boys toilet. dun care he think i dun dare go izzit. coem on loh i not humji please i not like him loh gt other guys siasway =| i beat him i won i went to class. with victory but i broke down soon after felt very lost i dunno what to do den it was english i ask to go toilet lai lai was so nice she aks if need anyone accompany me that was sweet. =] AWWWWW i love lailai. WAD ALLIE. sth amos amos blah den was very fun la eng rj buay gum lailai l0l bio rocks MR JOHN ROCKS. he so shuai please =] i love him like crazyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy. MUACKS. l0l. enthu enthu after school go maths. junwei sucks pls say i will break the chair. OH FINE. THAT BASTARD. =[ i will beat u up one fine day too. =D hooray. and mrs ong and miss lee and miss chow stare at me when i walk pass them loh. go mac with bimbo was fine till weiting and nury come actually b4 that i was angry. amanda's de junior keep staring. stare wad stare. OH WEI QI PON BAND. den wt n nury. we joke like siao and thus HOR-NEH gang is establish on 23aug 2006 around 430pm. I HATE BEING TEASED SO I WILL PUT A STOP TO IT. with violence or without. i will. and i must. Friday, August 18, 2006
8/18/2006 10:34:00 pm
morning was really funny okgoh weiting was suppose to drink bubble tea. he was shaking it whne the whole thing drop onto the floor and it just went "boom". den i have to direct him on how to clean. he really so dumb. but people who are pampered is lidat one loh. expect people to b their maid. LAME. so now he owes me 3 apple pies. YEAH. den went for flag raising. i actually tot renjie was late. BUT GUESS WHAT? -what- he was the one shouting the command today. i was super shocked. GASPS FOR AIR. l0l man. now i know, cnnt xiao kan ren jie liao. chem is so sian. RENJIE WIN ME IN TEST BY ONE MARK >_>. i told him all the questions before hand one loh. bleahs. bio also kena owned. i lose him by 2 marks. LIEWS! wah sian diao. anw recess was the highlight of the day. i was sharing my biscuits with renjie and etc la. den weiliang come in and kajiao. LIEWS. box him sia. he took my biscuits and ran away. GRRRRRRR. i have to chase after him. den when i shout frightened everyone. den he throw to benjamin. den i was like pissed. i dun to run cuz sure lose. most funtunately, ben stop there loh. dne i just hit and hit. ARR. i dun care. nobody was there wad. euhao nt there also. LOL. sibeh dots. anw was so angry with bne loh. i mean i dunwan give jiu dun take la. see people like dave bimbo renjie gina amos they never snatch i also just give loh. wads wrong with that two weirdos la. den was maths. my functions and relations. -6 become = to -4. I M THE best MATHEMATICICAN. =[ wadever man. den physics quite okay la. renjie begin to doze off. den kena caught my miss lew. LOL. so funny. he also abit bad mood. actually i really tot he dunno like vulgarities all that. den actually he not that good. cuz at first was like thinking why anna dunwan accept him. but hmmms. vulgar and violent. abit scary. =| though he never beat me or what. he also say things like "u so big and fat got what use". i kant cry la, but i feel super hurt le jiu never talk le. >_< after school stayed back do card for chuang yi ba gen cao. LOL. xianneng and rachel me had a gala of time at mac. poor rachel. kena laughed at by us. LOL. and that weiliang and michy. and cuiting too. and then there was amos. we gossip then left me cuiting xianneng and amos bah. den we say say say till euhao. dne i suddenly speechless den very awkward leh. but he likes winy wad. DOTS. sian la. anw do till very late. den talk to miss deepa. me and amos and xianneng keep saying miss deepa waiting fro renjie. hahas. LOL. came back home after eat dinner was like teeling mum i fought today. mum was like saying its time to get a boyfriend. and ask me b less violent. DOTS. she say must be guai guai and studies good de. very familiar hor. LOL. =) she say boys dun like violent girls. LOL. dne i will b left on the shelf forever. =[ SAD. anw. i got back maths test ytd for circles de. 23/25 =] happy leh. btw next week assembly got talk above sex education lehs. WHOAHAO. okay dunnid so high. but i m happy. =) I LOVE THE JOKES MAURICE SAYS IN MATHS CLASS! ahhhhhhhhhhh. Sunday, August 13, 2006
great sunday =)
8/13/2006 08:34:00 pm
ahhh. some people called me at 1130pm lehs. last night. SO SCARY. who arh who arh. okay lah. weiting la. if she sees this she is gunna body slam me. awwwww. anw woke up with a dream. dreamt of miss chow. its like super no link. LOL. wadever. den was suppose to wake up 645. end up waking up at 655. OPPS. by the time prepare and everything hor i reach bus stop at 730 bah. should be arnd there la. den btw reach expo at 815. ARGH. everytime i promise them i will be reaching at 8 den everytime 815 den reach. i feel very bad. like den i have to cut in the queue. den very paiseh one. anw today very jialet. seowli overslept =( den was like sian diao loh. only me and jingyan and xiaoyu from our cg queue! den zijain was the only one from his cg. den i bully him! HAHA. evil mojojojo. anw there is this stupidm an who came to disturb the girl from billy cg. wadever. anw go in de shi hou very siasway! someone step on my slippers leh. >_> den the slipper came off. den i put it on again. l0l. btw. we got quite good seats. benlai book 2rows de. give up 3. den in the end give up whole row. abit weird la. but today very unexpected. almost all late. den i very pek chek. seow li cnnt blame cuz is first time she late. anw just so upset. last time before multiply alot late. now multiply le still late. hais hais. anw service was great. i hope pastor kong can be less funny. LOL. we are like teaching abt marriage de. very good. abt husband role one. den he keep saying jokes. =] NICE.joke 1 woman: hubbie what are u looking at. man: nothing woman: but u have been staring at the marriage certificate for so long. man: i m looking for the EXPIRY DATE. joke 2 woman: hubbie why kant u say nice things to me. look at our neighbours. they are so lonely. always saying nice things to each other. the husband is always telling her she is nice. kissing her on the lips. man: i would like to kiss her too. just that i dun know her enough. joke 3 man are like bank account, without money they generate no interest. [interest as in xing qu] joke 4 man are like mascara, they run at the first sight of emotions. den service also got new worship song. very very touch. my first love forever you will be. my first breathe you are the the life in me. my first joy the world can never take from me. my covenant with you, jesus. den after cell group. we celebrated alot of birthday babies de bdae =) den we eat TIE DAN! from taiwan. =p den we go dhoby ghout. =) so fun. we walk walk walk. SO FUN! me christina carrie germaine jingyan beien xiaoyu. i want to buy alot of things. but nvm wo REN! hahas. i seldom lidat but think the things at morphosis very nice. and i think i look very very very nice in the clothes i tried. the full dress thing $62 the yellow long tube thing $31 win already. expensive. =[ anw. had a great time as mos burger with carrie ger and jingyan =) took bus home. SO HAPPY. not alot of banglahs. muacks muacks. need to save money! buy buy buy =] Saturday, August 12, 2006
8/12/2006 08:29:00 pm
![]() seven month is here. wad do u seeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 8/12/2006 08:28:00 pm
![]() we at mos. i sticking out my tongue =) 8/12/2006 08:27:00 pm
![]() haha. can only see yating de eye =\ 8/12/2006 08:25:00 pm
![]() yating on the left. i on the right. 8/12/2006 08:23:00 pm
![]() ivan top left. den tingyi green. dne gray is xuelong. the one on top of tingyi is xunhao. the one beside xuelong is EUHAO =) den saykiong is being kissed by junwei. tan kena block my euhao's hand =D 8/12/2006 08:20:00 pm
![]() xuelong and me =X damn gay. he tandium me. ant tandium elephant. awwwww 8/12/2006 08:19:00 pm
![]() amanda standing on chair thats why taller. i m suppose to be tallest XD 8/12/2006 08:18:00 pm
![]() GURLS ROCKS =p 8/12/2006 08:17:00 pm
![]() this is the edited one 8/12/2006 08:16:00 pm
![]() 23 de class picture. -sniff sniff- 8/12/2006 08:13:00 pm
![]() DERRICK HOH 8/12/2006 08:12:00 pm
![]() nice man. this rocks =] 8/12/2006 08:12:00 pm
![]() I LIKE THIS =) 8/12/2006 08:11:00 pm
![]() left to right: michy mindy mushroom[me] jolyn. it is suppose to form ^^. our bags. sling =) 8/12/2006 12:08:00 pm
hais. feel so bad about myself.everytime i am on the fone with **. she tells me all the good things about kim, peiyi, lelia. if she ever talk to others, will she tell others i am good? ok, in the first place, i might not be good. and so i tell myself i will make myself famous one day. =) I CAN ONE! hais. why kim cut short hair everyone say nice? why i cut hair everyone say mushroom. >=[ whywhywhy. why why why. i go buy pantene hair growth shampoo >_> haihaihai. WHY WHY WHY. EVRYONE ON EARTH IS GAY >_<>_> hai. why everyone say i tall good. VERY GOOD MEH >_> tall = more fats >_< >_> haihaihai. haihaihai. PAPA FASTER STRIKE LOTTERY.den buy all the JIAN FEI YAO for me. =)let me be a super model.let the rest of the world look at me and say i m different. PLEASE. why human looks only at outward appearance. nvm. wo wei zi ji JIAYOU =] I CAN DO IT. i hope so. ONLY BANGLAHS ROCKS =p Friday, August 11, 2006
8/11/2006 09:38:00 pm
alrighty! HAPPY NATIONAL DAY SINGAPORE =)hahas. its 11aug. so i m 2 days late =( hahs. wadever la. btw recount = TUESDAY. went shopping with WEITING. =) we shop awhile den go to the BIBLE STUDY. the whole thing was funny. we reached quite early. just that we end up going in late. ANW! there is this guy in bs called WEIJIAN. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. weijian is a NICE NAME =) okay. anw. weiting and I and this girl called huiyun went to walk around =) SO FUN! we ate chicken. drink caramel. YUCKS >_> and go fountain play water. LOL. shame shame. and anw we went to ebase. SO SAD LUH! i like that skirt alot lehs. but wo chuan le bu shi hen mei. >_> okay. anw UNFAIR! weiting bought this dress thingy. $10 only. BUT I WEAR LE NOT NICE. cuz its free size. she wear really veh nice. cuz it matches with the BOOTS >_> no fair. I HATE THE FACT I M OBESE. grrrrrrr. hais. weds. went out with gina huiru and angeline. btw. we bought renjie's present le =) a pencil box =) we are such nice classmates. LOL la. den we took neoprints. okay i look shibai. HAIS. never mind. xi guan jiu hao sia. den we walk walk walk. really very fun. den met up with elaine. we went to jasmine house. carrie christina was dere. very fun larhs. just there fellowship. den went home. thursday. STAYED AT HOME AND ROT. slacked slacked slacked. FRIDAY =D chem sucks. i think can get 15/20? NOT SURE BUT I HOPE SO LURH! haihaihai. anw. bimbo is a super PRO cheater. she made me laugh la. den i keep trembling. den mr voo keep laughing at our merit demerit file. >_> mr voo u also look very funny with center parting okay =X jokin. den chem like pass so fast please. CHAO JI KUAI! den bio so fun. poor miss tan. yi zhi bei wo men qi fu. WHO ASK 33 SO NOISY. dne we were like. " aiyah, why 33 so noisy, who their form teacher huh" AND VERY OBVIOUS is MISS TAN what. haha. den recess i never wear specs go down. LIKE BLIND MICE LIDAT. den i came back recess. found potato chips de wrapper in my pencil case. i tot is goh weiting pls. den amanda say is her. den i believe. but of cuz never blame her. i just put inside her bag. DEN THE PERSON WHO IS BEHIND ALL THIS CONFESS. BUT HE NEVER APOLOGISE. SOMEMORE SAY ME. EH PLS LA. GROW UP. UR LEGS ARE SO SKINNY PEOPLE LABEL THEM AS CHOPSTICKS. I HATE YOU LA PLS. U PROMISE ME NOT TO DO ALL THIS LE. WHY. I HATE YOU. argh. MAKE ME CRY. always is you! PISSED LIKE CRAZY. den maths cried. so siasway pls. den maths just slacked. seriously i dunno wad miss kwa toking la. shit ass. den PHY lew lew never come. whoo. but alot of people pon leh. den hor damn sian. ONG CAME IN. i kajiaoed him. ONG WO AI NI. ni ting jian le ma. anw nury ps me >_> i came home tired and drained. den went to eat and sleep. HAI. watched DA NAN REN XIAO NAN REN. oh my my. THAT NORMAN LOOKS SEXY TOPLESS PLEASE. hot. =) i seen him life before. HEH SHUAI PLS. liu xian neng. if u r a man, apologise. FREAKO! Tuesday, August 08, 2006
8/08/2006 12:21:00 am
![]() i painting the top okay. i hope i never squash the cupboard or sth... ![]() 8/08/2006 12:20:00 am
![]() me the mushroom =) took in chinese class... ![]() 8/08/2006 12:19:00 am
![]() we do such stuffs in the toilet. it is common ![]() 8/08/2006 12:18:00 am
![]() benjamin is super short FBT. everybody clap =D ![]() 8/08/2006 12:17:00 am
![]() my masterpiece. ![]() 8/08/2006 12:15:00 am
![]() this was b4 i was obese........ ![]() 8/08/2006 12:12:00 am
![]() me hug mickeymouseeeeee ![]() 8/08/2006 12:11:00 am
![]() nice =) ![]() 8/08/2006 12:09:00 am
![]() shuai dao ![]() 8/08/2006 12:08:00 am
![]() say hi! ![]() 8/08/2006 12:07:00 am
![]() weijian =) ![]() 8/08/2006 12:05:00 am
![]() junyang =) ![]() 8/08/2006 12:04:00 am
![]() this is for huanqing. ![]() 8/08/2006 12:03:00 am
![]() me the mushroom. lynn shortest. billy tallest. HAHA. actually billy stand on steps de. he not very very tall. cough`` ![]() 8/08/2006 12:01:00 am
![]() wo de soul =) ![]() 8/08/2006 12:00:00 am
![]() michy send me de ![]() Monday, August 07, 2006
8/07/2006 11:58:00 pm
![]() weilian pose =) ![]() 8/07/2006 11:57:00 pm
![]() we rock =D ![]() |
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